P10K Founder Ken O'Keefe in Israeli Jail for Entering GazaAnonyme, Viernes, Junio 11, 2004 - 13:13
P10K Founder Ken O'Keefe in Israeli Jail for entering GazaFormer US Marine and initiator of the Human Shield Action to Iraq, Ken O'Keefe, was jailed last night by Israeli authorities attempting to enter the Gaza Strip. He wished to discuss with the people and leaders of Gaza the P10K plan to bring 10,000 western citizens to act as international observers in the Palestinian Occupied Territories. P10K also calls for a cessation of offensive operations from the Israeli Government and the militant Palestinian Resistance, upon the arrival of the 10,000 strong P10K Force. O'Keefe and P10K coordinator Ian Hodgson were detained by ten Israeli Soldiers at 2pm Thursday as they walked along the beach into Palestinian Gaza from an area of Jewish Settlements at the northern end of the Gaza Strip. Knowing that Israel would refuse entry through the usual checkpoints into Gaza, the pair nearly caught Israeli soldiers off guard with their unconventional approach along the coastline. O'Keefe said: 'I desperately wanted to discuss this idea with people in Gaza, and would not simply accept Israel's refusal to admit me entry. P10K aims to save life on both sides of the conflict, and uphold international law by ending Israel's illegal and immoral occupation, which is the root cause of Palestinian violence." "Israeli state terrorism is fueling the conflict; Israel must stop its assassinations, incursions, house demolitions and building of the wall, and fully withdraw its illegal settlements and military from the occupied territories until there can be any movement towards a peaceful resolution of this conflict. Palestinian human rights must be respected, most importantly the right to life, but also the right to travel, which I was denied today." O'Keefe is being held at Sohar Prison in the Negev region of Israel, close to the Egyptian border. Last night Ammon Golan from Erez Police Station said that O'Keefe would be deported to London in the next two days. Israel effectively imprisons over a million Palestinian in Gaza, with access granted only to selected media and NGO's. P10K would bring more than 3,500 western citizens into the Gaza Strip to prevent widespread human rights abuses such as the destructive incursions into Rafah two weeks ago. The P10K plan is explained in full at www.P10K.net. Contact: Notes: P10K has endorsements and statements of support from Noam Chomsky, Hanan Ashrawi, Mordechai Vanunu and many others. |
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