
Who Sows the Wind, Will Reap the Storm

franzjutta, Lunes, Mayo 31, 2004 - 14:35

Franz J. T. Lee

As we already know, once more, the "opposition" in Venezuela has demonstrated its fraudulent face. The signature repair process, that was planned to launch a recall referendum against Chávez, by all counts, is another failure.

However, this is not the main issue, it is just the window-dressing, a single appearance form, of a national and international conspiracy against the Chávez Government, that has a five-year golpista tradition already.

The national and international previous puntofijista masters of Venezuela, who have usurped economic, political and social power in Venezuela, for more than 40 years already, will not, and cannot stop their "democratic, coordinated" opposition against the Bolivarian Government. They have mighty, wealthy and powerful allies, whom they serve, and on whom their very existence depends.

They never took "democracy" seriously, they never acted democratically. Their "democracy" is pure ideology to keep the millions of poor workers and peasants docile, peaceful and loyal. In any case, Democracy, a direct product of the bourgeois-capitalist French and Industrial Revolutions, was invented to serve only ruling class interests.

It is true, what Colin Powell has stated not long ago: the USA and Venezuela have two completely different concepts of democracy. This is the reason why, according to Kerry, democracy in Venezuela is "at risk". Democracy, with all the "of, by and for the people", was never ever meant to serve the lower classes, the exploited and dominated poor people.

When a Government truly is doing something for the poor, in a real democratic spirit, then this is declared "tyranny" and "dictatorship". The Venezuelan case exemplifies what has happened across the centuries, with regard to democracy, justice and peace. Togliatti said it categorically, the problem is the system, that is, the labour system; how, why and for what billions produce. If this is not annihilated, any revolution will end up like the very first colonial revolution, the North American Revolution: in barbarism and fascism.

Hence, let us see within the next weeks, what really is Plan B, that needed a recall referendum mask, to engender a possible "civil war" and foreign intervention, not to mention the planned assassination of public figures. On April 12, 2002, Estanga showed what the "opposition" has in mind for the future; Carlos Ortega formulated it precisely: "10 to 15 years dictatorship". Under the current circumstances, due to a lack of massive popular support, the "opposition" does not have the slightest possibility to win any elections or referenda. Over and over the "opposition" has stated that they will not accept any referendum results, that allow Chávez to remain in power. The reactionary forces are sowing the wind, the Bolivarian Revolution signals the storm. Whatever may happen, the Bolivarian Revolution is more powerful than ever, prepared for any golpista eventuality.

The Revolutionary Professors & Students of the University of The Andes, Mérida, Venezuela.

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