CKUT Radio: War Crimes in RafahAnonyme, Jueves, Mayo 20, 2004 - 03:51
Stefan Christoff
---------- Listen to an interview with Mohamed an independent journalist from Rafah Palestine, who posts daily reports and photos about Rafah at the website - http://rafahtoday.org. This interview is a powerful and direct testimony, as to the acts of collective punishment, which have been unleashed on the Palestinian population of Rafah refugee camp. The interview was recorded on Tuesday May 28th, as Israeli troops continued to raid homes in Rafah, confining its 90,000 residents without electricity, water or phones. On Tuesday alone, more than 20 Palestinians were killed, marking one of the highest one-day death tolls in three years of the Palestinian Intifada. The Israeli military operation, which has been dubbed "Operation Rainbow", continued on Wednesday May 19th, when Israeli tank fire and missiles hit a 3000 strong Palestinian demonstration, killing more than 10 Palestinians, wounding many others. In the past week the Israeli military has demolished more than 100 homes, which has left more than 1200 Palestinians in the Rafah refugee camp homeless. Amnesty International has condemned the current Israeli incursion as a "war crime". To listen / download the interview with Mohamed from Rafah visit: http://www.radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=9222 To read Mohamed's recent reports and view photos from Rafah visit: http://www.rafahtoday.org |
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