
Exiled Tibetans gaining voice with first photos

Anonyme, Sábado, Mayo 15, 2004 - 20:06

Joe Mickey

The first collection of photos by Tibetans living in exile in India is creating a voice through media coverage and two exhibits of the Tibetan Photo Project. Please see how you can help raise awareness. You can star by not buying the “Made in China

The Tibetan Photo Project offers the first photos taken by Tibetan monks living in exile, images of the Dalai Lama, informational texts and rare 1932 pictures of Tibet.

The perspective provided from the modern history of Tibet and China reveals a great deal about the nature of China's future leadership. The lessons have become even more relevant with the rise to power by Hu Jintao, China's former hardline secretary to Tibet.


•HELP grow this voice from Tibet in exile. Please consider adding a link to the project or as a signature to all your emails and Web postings.

•We offer slide show & lecture presentations for groups and organizations.
(See National and regional reviews below)

•JUST IN: Antioch University - Santa Barbara will host a Sept. 9 gallery opening of between 30 and 40 prints.

•OPENING IN 2005, at the Meadows Museum of Art in Shreveport, Louisiana…a complete exhibit of 60 prints, art and artifacts and cultural exhibitions.

•FOR EDITORS: We offer a complete and colorful feature on the Tibetan Photo Project. Drop us an email for a disc.

•FOR RADIO PRODUCERS: AN interview on the Tibetan Photo Project Co-founder Joe Mickey with Monique Fuller can be heard at where it can be picked up for broadcast, at no charge.

The power of one frame of film

Working from an isolated coastal town of 5000 in northern California, the combined circulation of publications that have told some portion of Tibet’s tragedy through the Tibetan Photo Project is over 20 million.

• Linked by Harvard Asia Center for the Dalai Lama's 2003 visit.•
•Linked by Africa & Asia studies, University of London•
•Linked by the University of Virginia•

•National media reviews on the Tibetan Photo Project

Photo by Tenzin Wangden Andrugtsang
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