
CIA Renegade Surrenders in Haiti

DOGSPOT, Martes, Abril 27, 2004 - 15:06

David Roknich

Professional insurrectionist and convicted murderer Jodel Chamblain surrendered to authorities in Port Au Prince. This was proclaimed as "a noble gesture" by Haiti's new Justice Minister Bernard Gousse. It was Gousse's legal team that defended Chamblain and his cohorts in the failed coup attempts of 2000 and 2001.

Professional insurrectionist and convicted murderer Jodel Chamblain surrendered to authorities in Port Au Prince.

This was proclaimed as "a noble gesture" by Haiti's new Justice Minister Bernard Gousse. It was Gousse's legal team that defended Chamblain and his cohorts in the failed coup attempts of 2000 and 2001.

Chamblain was the leader of "Baby Doc" Duvailier's Makoutte, the much feared and omnipresent death squads during the 80s. The Makoutte were disbanded during the military regime that held power when Duvailier fled from Haiti (after looting what was left of their treasury). The Haitian army, closely associated with Makoute, and with a 200 year tradition of corruption, was disbanded by Aristide shortly after his election in 1990.

Historical facts are from the US country study on Haiti and the Dominican republic (revised periodically) and news of Chamblain's surrender is from The Washington Post.


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