
Today in the MidEast - 17th of April

Anonyme, Domingo, Abril 18, 2004 - 12:07


A compilation of links to news stories about the situation in the Middle East.

Israel represses nonviolent resistance
The cluster of villages in the Northwest Jerusalem area, including Biddu and Beit Surik, have consistently attempted to nonviolently resist the construction of the Apartheid wall throughout their lands over the last two months. The Israeli army has consistently repressed any form of protest with excessive violence in this region.

Hamas chief assassinated by Israel
He had long depicted himself as a Hamas politician with no links to the military wing. But Israel had refused to accept the distinction, accusing him of being a top decision-maker on attacks and of using his media role to incite violence.

A final document issued by the meeting said participants expressed deep concern over the dangerous current and potential humanitarian consequences of the construction of the wall, noting that it would bring further dispossession for a significant number of Palestinians.

One Article, Three Questions
All the contracting parties of the Geneva Convention, including Israel, must ensure the application of International Humanitarian Law. Since the Wall is illegal, all states that have signed the Geneva Convention have the legal responsibility to take part and stop the Wall's construction and its impact on the civilian population.

Child used as human shield after beating
After local Palestinians and Israeli activists saw a young boy being beaten by Israeli border police, the boy’s mother sent a Palestinian man to try and help him and Rabbi Ascherman also approached the police. Both were arrested, along with a Swedish ISM activist.

Child hit by Israeli gunfire
A FIVE-year-old Palestinian girl was shot and seriously wounded as Israeli troops fired at a car in the West Bank town of Tulkarem, Palestinian security officials said today.,4057,9317035%255E1702,00.html

Hamas' Rantissi lived on borrowed time
Born near what is now Israel's coastal city of Ashkelon, Rantissi was taken as an infant to the Gaza Strip by his family, one of thousands of Arabs displaced during the war that led to the creation of the Jewish state in 1948. He grew up in the Khan Younis refugee camp and received his medical training in Egypt. Returning to Gaza, he helped found Hamas in 1987.

Suicide bomber kills border guard, wounds three at Erez Crossing
Hamas and Fatah claimed joint responsibility for the attack. The bomber was identified as Fadi el-Amudi, 22, from Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, an operative of the Fatah’s el-Aqsa Brigades.

Hamas vows revenge; Qureia blames U.S. 'encouragement, bias'
"This blood will not be wasted. It is our fate in Hamas and it is our fate as Palestinians to die as martyrs. The battle will not weaken our determination or break our will," Ismail Haniya told reporters.

Palestinian PM says assassination result of US
"The Palestinian cabinet considers this terrorist Israeli campaign is a direct result of American encouragement and the complete bias of the American administration towards the Israeli government," he said in his reaction.

Palestinians campaign for prisoners' release
The protests came on the annual day of solidarity with the prisoners, thousands of whom are in Israeli jails. In Gaza City, parents carried pictures of their imprisoned sons and daughters.

Palestinians mark day of solidarity with prisoners in Israel
"Your people will never forget you," Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat said of the prisoners. "You are the ones that held up the banner of struggle for the sake of Palestine, for the sake of establishing a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital."

Tibi calls on PA to consider declaring independent state
[...] the new rules call for such a declaration that would create a new political reality in accordance with the UN resolutions in the matter. On Thursday, Tibi termed the Bush statement as a “fatal blow to peace efforts and slap in the face to the Arab world

Lun, 2004-04-19 06:58

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