
Iraq: Solidarity Demo in Montreal

simms, Sábado, Abril 10, 2004 - 14:55


Montreal, March 10th, 2004 -- A crowd of approximately fifty people showed up in front of the American consulate in Montreal at around 1:00 PM today. The diverse group of protesters was there to call for solidarity with the Iraqi people, which is currently experiencing a brutal escalation in repression on the part of the American occupation forces.

Montreal, March 10th, 2004 -- A crowd of approximately fifty people showed up in front of the American consulate in Montreal at around 1:00 PM today. The diverse group of protesters was there to call for solidarity with the Iraqi people, which is currently experiencing a brutal escalation in repression on the part of the American occupation forces. Representatives of several militant groups, including Mohamed Kamel of the Canadian Muslim Forum, and Mary Foster of the Iraq Solidarity Project, called on people to oppose the continuing occupation of Iraq, and to shed light on the human costs of US imperialism, in Iraq and elsewhere.

The speakers also denounced Canadian and international news media, which often portray the Iraqi resistance as terrorism, even if there's no doubt, in light of past history and international law, that resisting foreign invasion is considered legitimate.

"The occupation of Iraq is illegal. It is criminal. The resistance is legitimate, necessary, inevitable. The people of Iraq have an inalienable right to fight the occupation, for self-determination, and for national liberation," said Mr Kamel.

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