
Catacrack, now in English

Anonyme, Martes, Marzo 2, 2004 - 16:53


Catacr@ck is a Catalan web site which offers information about computing, internet and other issues. We are students of computing applications, and we are in the net since March of 2003.

Now we're making an English version of the web to arrive to another people from any part of the world. We're open to receive your opinion, comments, or information to make this site better.

Mié, 2004-03-03 06:43

voting 0 as the submitted link does not function, and hence its content can't be evaluated

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+1 Ambigue
Mié, 2004-03-03 09:50

Difficile de voter pour cette soumission.
Le lien marche difficilement.
On y retrouve des liens vers la BBC, MTV et des sites de sport professionnel Européen.

Mais d'un autre côté, il est pertinent parce qu'il y est question de:
Logiciel Libre.
De lutte pour la justice social.

Dans le doute, je vote +1.

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CMAQ: Vie associative

Collectif à Québec: n'existe plus.

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