
Cause for concern?

Anonyme, Sábado, Febrero 28, 2004 - 01:29

Paul King

Can an 'epidemic' consist of 87 cases in all of Canada in TWENTY YEARS?

Table 1: Number of reported AIDS Cases with Associated Exposure Categories (%) for Individuals 10 to 24 Years of Age in Canada, Diagnosed up to June 30, 2002. Totals for all cases since 1983 (20 + years).


10 -19 years of age - 87. Percentage of total 0.5%.
Cases per year - 3.35
Only 7% or 6 teen hetero cases in TWENTY YEARS. SOME EPIDEMIC!

20-24 years of age - 540. Percentage of total 2.9%.
Cases per year - 27



The interesting thing about the statistics on this official site is the charts of other std (not that 'AIDS' is either an std or even a syndrome).

They show that the VAST majority of cases are in their teens while a mere HALF PER CENT of 'AIDS' cases are teenagers and only 2.9% in their early twenties.

Clearly this does NOT fit the pattern of a sexually transmitted disease.

NOTE: - The graphic shows a similar picture in America too.
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