
Peak Oil, a plea to learn about it, teach, and press for responsible leadership

Anonyme, Viernes, Febrero 20, 2004 - 15:59

Michael Kuhn

Post-peak oil production, or “Peak Oil

There is no exaggerating that the lives of you, your children, and beyond are going to be drastically different than our lives today. Almost every current human endeavor from transportation, to manufacturing, to electricity, to plastics, and especially food and water production is inextricably intertwined with oil and natural gas supplies. There will be great hardships affecting every person on the planet. There is no easy way around this. The events coming our way are very big, and very scary.
You may not have heard about or considered peak oil before. Please, do this now. Peak oil is at the root of many of today’s major issues. Please do whatever you can, by any means, to learn, teach, and influence leaders about peak oil.
Spend just 30 minutes now doing some easy, online research and you will find out why peak oil is so alarming. It is important that you not just take my word for it. You need to discover this for yourself. The peak oil issue is deadly serious, but if we get started today, we might find a way to make the inevitable easier.
Here is a good summary web page:
We have a great deal of hard work to do in order to cope with the end of cheap oil. To begin, it is essential that awareness reach a critical mass. Today, our most important duty is to learn, teach, and influence leaders.

Here are three simple action steps:

1 - Stimulate Google and Yahoo to bring “peak oil

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more info
Mié, 2004-02-25 11:40

although i don't necessarily agree with all the conclusions of its authors, also has tons of pertinent material regarding the issue of peak oil.

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