
- The Real Deal -

Anonyme, Lunes, Febrero 2, 2004 - 11:31

Of the blind human condition trying to thrive, G is the
last Word on lethal threats to the innocent. Threats
made by war criminals who have high-jacked America's
White House, protected by dying as evil bushite nazi
teen terrorists angers everyone truly. Enemies of our
Humanity whom is still living art within Heaven. I
genuinely dislike devote bushite, American cop killing
cultists with everything I am of honestly, and so too,
it does appear also, the bushmob could care even less
for its disciples.

(From Google 'groups' tab,

- The Real Deal -

/ / But the Pentagon's OWN energy support center pointed
out that it also was delivering some gasoline to Iraq -
for only ABOUT $1.00 a gallon. THE PENTAGON'S audit
agency then asked halliburton officials for internal
documents to justify its pricing - but the officials
refused. (Not Democracy)

Imagine this is why the bushite soldier states the
Humans must not be allowed to disagree with anything the
bushmob in Iraq does, because then we'll all know
together how pathetically weak and cowardly they truly
appear as criminally acting with such betrayals as an
ungodly evil tyranny, without any true leadership to
speak about. Robbing their own nation of America as
immediate family in the process. Dying. All for
intolerant war monger bush's hatred for the American
dream, and contempt for all human good will as kindness.

/ / The Corps unilaterally issued a waiver of
Halliburton's requirement to provide "any cost and
pricing data." The Corps says it issued the waiver at
the request of Halliburton. How convenient. (N.D.)

Just another PUBLIC bushmob act of sedition against the
old red, white, and blue, to sacrifice an American
Patriot as measured worthless with. So American
Soldier, what are you going to do for US payers being
robbed in the open by the bushmob in Your dying
brother's name like that?, as one American Citizen
censored from speaking publicly at length like all the
rest of US are also in corporate america? Just try to
air an American Patriots concern on american talk radio,
and see how fast your rights are silenced by the
witches, or bushite cultists Art Bell has no problem
giving his National show over and over again to forbid
any protest.

/ / Steven Russell said that "protests are not authorized
and that participation in protests is punishable."

/ / Steven Russell. "These People have always hated US
in this area. It is not surprising that they hate US."

He ain't kidding me he is completely unqualified to hold
any leadership position. A real de-generative paranoid
delusionist, mared likely early on from corporate
neglect he suffers still from. He is what is referred
to as a bigot, and likely therefor, a probable racsist.
The 'area' he forces through threats of murder, are to
demand this vision be no greater than his own. His own
of equality being freedom by Justice Supreme doesn't
stand his scrutiny as aimed for target. Bible or
Constitution, all trash. Innocent guilty, good guy bad
guy, he couldn't divulge as devote blind bushite, war
criminal 'mastermind'. Oh by the way, truly, he breeds
indiscriminate warfare as a bad soldier, while the
bushmob are walking away with who's loyal investment. .
. ? . . . The clock is ticking. If I can teach
Buford and Steve with this breaker, they'll turn around
and kill bush and rummy instead for 9/11 to make the
newspapers. This is why a repuglicon doesn't like to
feed early start programs, that way, Lt. Col. Steven
Russell can pretend he's doing US in this world a favor,
when really, he couldn't care to know if his ACTION
would CAUSE the needless murder of yet another, Patriot
American brother. Steven, you arrest Buford, and
Buford, well you just go ahead and arrest Steven, and
then... well, we'll take it from there.

Instead What?

Instead tell US as an antiAmerican bushite?, you'll
murder US innocent for demon bush and rotten rummy?,
regarding those free speechers who dare voice with FACT,
that, Iraqi banking, university, or health care, is more
intelligent to remain Universal as it was to serve the
People's interests BEFORE baathist bremer sabotaged
communications? The bushmob isn't bringing Freedom, but
stealing it. And as such being consequence, so too,
Amerka. Haven't you heard? Bush's Amerka will be
freeer now that evidence is no longer a requirement to
convince US who is evil incarnate, and protesters can be
shot without CNN making the news over it. It's betterer
I'm sure Ashcroft would say to torture or murder the
innocent, that to arrest the culprits responsible for
high treason in God's America. Right bushites?

/ / commander of the 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry
Regimen, Lt. Col. Steven Russell, as saying, "This is
to remind the town that we have teeth and claws and we
will use them."

What an evil dumdum traitor to the town of New York
City steven russell is eh?

Imagine this is why the evil dumdum bushite soldier
states the Humans must not be allowed to disagree with
anything the bushmob does criminally, because then we'd
all know how they ungodly as cowards behave;
treasonously acting in such a inhuman tyrannical manner
without true leadership to speak about. Ask an American
Soldier who proudly states they wouldn't kill unarrested
buford "bush bitch" blount or steven russell instantly
to save the life of one innocent defenseless child, and
I'll show you an enemy of America as just another
expendable soulless nazi bush whore. (ten cents per I'm
paying..) Let's all hope and pray a sexy rummy cluster
dud dropped by bank robbing heroin pusher tommy franks
does them in, instead of US good guys driving in the
designated place at the right time bound for further
criminal bushmob sacrifice as leaderlessly too weak and
cowardly to stand up for 'the Human cause', eh?

An aside: Corporate Americans are publicly taxed twice
as much per capita for their inhuman private health care
exclusions, than Canadians do for public health care
that measures every Canadian as Canadians. (The
bushites are evil, and dumber than dumb I told you
before the election, but your news agencies refuse to
still listen to our top priority concerns regarding the
demon antiChrist's murder rampages against American
principles, and her citizens left uncapitalized.)

Think of it: the criminal bushmob will easily sacrifice
a leaderless bushite nazi soldier, to steal from their
own families back home undefended, maybe a nickel, while
I, as a real man, beg them to be Soldiers from America's
America, by getting to unarrested buford "bush bitch"
blount, death squad recruiter tommy franks, or even
baathist bremer as the actual enemies of true Patriots
everywhere. At the same time, DEMANDING the start to
promoting free fair elections, the solving of tommy's
bank robbery, and the return of the stolen Humanitarian
Aid giving illegally to double biller commi Halliburton.

But so far, they cower as cowards, afraid to protect
their own family from further bushite tyranny that they
don't have a mind to speak of. Nor, an Art Bell to
learn from. (American Talk Radio don't wanta get
political while advocating no concerns about dying
soldiers led by the bushmob. Why? Americans seem to
hate all of their humanity, or so the bushites would
like you to think so through censorship of the dying
victims. However, I'm still holding out on the chances
of one or two in the Marines as loyal to America, who
will if they have to, bravely be taking down bush and
rumsfeld immediately for escaping arrest regarding 9/11.
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but
bush can't fool all of the people as evil incarnate, for
that would just be plain silly.)

Look, about all those bad names you thought I called you
before, as a messed up son of a gun, listen, we all make
mistakes, and... well, if your willing to work for the
survival of Justice in America, somebody'll be proud to
salute your Patriotism as Freedom truly reining. (Or
perhaps the real Americans, to protect the lives of
their blood brothers and sisters, will bravely demand
the immediate arrest by gun point of the bushmob for
9/11, to be strong and brave, humane and godly. I guess
we'll ask who is the sea, the demon antiChrist bush,
along with Ashcroft and rotten rummy, or still We. -

Communicating knowledge is powerful stuff let me tell
you. (Roar!) A person can spend a lifetime of study in
a branch of understanding, and write an illumination
readable by another in just a few short hours, then take
in a play or perhaps a movie, then the weekends over,
and you better get back to work or you'll lose the house
on this next late mortgage payment. I don't claim to
have all the answers, but i do just about. Hidden in
here somewhere...

Step Right Up

I know generally, American people ain't so politically
aware, when it comes to huge amounts of living wasted by
little scary, but far too distant as likely scenarios.
Tell me what you think: can you imagine 10 billion
dollars in one year spent to investigate Laden, (with
perhaps only three officers in total working on those
'secret investigations'? [Connie Chung - CNN], instead
of just dirt cheaply starting, with whom did what when
where went why? (W199i and Barbara Bodine) Evidence
must be crucial to convince US who is stealing
literally, billions. Every year. (Where is some great
King to wake up to this madness, and offer US an ever
changing alternative I kept foolishly asking myself.)
Look,. I know a bushite war monger's lying can spook me
too, on how they manage to have no commitment to
communicate honestly with the facts, while publicly
advocating the indiscriminate murder of ourselves as the
innocent., instead of SEEKING solutions to remedy things
with intelligence bringing kindness as it's territory.
God is all great, and I'm not so bad either.

Of the blind human condition trying to thrive, G is the
last Word on lethal threats to the innocent. Threats
made by war criminals who have high-jacked America's
White House, protected by dying as evil bushite nazi
teen terrorists angers everyone truly. Enemies of our
Humanity whom is still living art within Heaven. I
genuinely dislike devote bushite, American cop killing
cultists with everything I am of honestly, and so too,
it does appear also, the bushmob could care even less
for its disciples. For the demon antiChrist, Your Mr.
Bush Jr., fools all Patriots when he tells them evidence
of his treason. What secrets? He secretly planned and
implements to not work for public criminal
investigations regarding the murder of thousands of
American People. Thousands. With Kissinger. What is
it, that you as a bushite or otherwise, can't figure?
None are seperate from this dying dream we call life's
living end. Time to change your religious convictions
on the true existence of a higher power maybe? (I am
really very easy to believe in, and when speaking face
to face, I leave little of no shadows to doubt I am
simply a, super freak as Natural human Being. I scare
few that shouldn't be, and I can't read anyone's mind,
however, intention, is a whole other matter all
together. You gotta be almost like a god to fool me
into thinking one plus one doesn't equal two.)


America is still a work in progress, alive, willing, and
almost able to defend by rule of individual rights by
wHoly miGht. It makes absolutely no difference on what
you think of me personally, (if you've finalized an
estimation), I mean it, no difference. There are ideas
as this Universe living would concur upon, timelessly,
and see?, I know this as the Son of Man of anyone
already, always have. (I don't need people to tell me
I'm great as the Wisdom of Ages, I just need a few
dollars to tide me over until I can get a steady
paycheck.) I have no intentions of ever forcing the
world against our ability, or getting elected as King
for being just myself as a none-partisan, soft-spoken
well mannered businessman. I am the actual make believe
Lord and Creator of the bushite cesspool labeled
America, and thanks for nothing is not what I'm

Letting the bushmob escape from committing the terrorist
acts of 9/11, can not go further unanswered in this
universe, I'm sorry. That's just not a world I as a
defender of my living purpose would feel comfortable
held up in chains and shackled ever. It's really not
where I dream unbound along with the real world ways of
life's struggle for true freedom, being my commitment
kept honorably by doing some good for my sake is a
virtue for all. God, American People are so ignorant,
cowardly, and duped to not help ourselves sometimes, it
destroys US, instead of the lying bush demon antiChrist.
You know?, the enemy of all People, freedom and Justice?
as a corporatist bushite cult deceiver would want US to
not believe?

(nap break)

Can you believe that demon bush spewed last week that
American Patriot Soldiers have been SACRIFICED because
Saddam, ""did not let us in." Now, if he is that
uninformed on Our documented reality regarding TRUTH in
America, along with his now completely confessed absent
war rational, will You, as an American Soldier, watch
yet another corporately unspoken for Brother or Sister
sacrificed to DIE in servitude for that super evil
bush's bullshit continuing in Your name unchallenged?


The David Kelly Story: Turning Murder into Suicide

/ / When seeking reasons for the cuts and bruises on the
scalp, chest and mouth, why is
murder-made-to-look-like-suicide not properly explored?
Presumably pathologists employed by the Home Office know
better than to mention such a scenario.

This whole Britain Blair thing is so disturbing when
parlayed with the facts outlaid. Look, MI6 (C)
confesses the 45 minute thane was really just based on
how long it might conservatively take for the Iraqi
military to get small caliber weaponry, like grenade
launchers, to anywhere along the Iraqi border. (With an
additional report alleging MI6 obtained those timings
from an out of date Russian military manual. (Likely
therefor, a bit of a brag)) If that is not 'sexing up'
by the devote bushite Blair warranting his immediate
resignation he promised, nothing is. Huge penis shaped
nuclear warheads, as apposed to a sweet pea shooter
aimed at space invaders? Hutton should be considered
for treason when you think about the time spent
privately reading the 45 minute, Weapons of Mass
Destruction thane over and over again, never mind the
fact he is blatantly, nakedly, attempting to cover up
the murder of a Brit. (The British can't be played as
stupid collectively as bush's America, because they're
not. Kinda like Canadians, Norwegians, the Swedes,
Belgians, France, and most other developed, and
semi-developed nations. Hundreds of countries,
comprising near 7 billion People. (Thousands of
millions wiser together, than Americans without public
heath care) US: that Ashcroft, bush and rumsfeld
dictate by ungodly decree, are not of true Human values
when talking about protecting our Justice and Freedom
ruling our ways.. into the mystic. With King Johnny
somewhere partying not stop with women, wine, and song.)

Now, with this Chalabi debater telling US, no, it was
him alone who provided the false information to Britain
personally, in private, illustrates again, intelligence
gathering among war criminals leaves little left to the
imagination. Like imbeciler bush's Chalabi on the
bombing of the UN, that he and his gang knew well of
before it happened, but didn't seem to tell anyone who
cared to listen?, that I'm aware of so far. Now, why do
you suppose that would be Annan? Annan., be a leader
and speak up for our political climate in Iraq for
Christ's sake. Demand to know who Chalabi personally
warned of the imminent attack before it happened, to
protect such a dreadful reoccurrence happening as
whomever. Asking our world to step up to the podium for
Allah's sake would be a good thing to save your brother
Saul, and our friend(s) future. Nudge nudge "Jesus says
Allah is Gggggreat!!!"

I ask Humanity, shouldn't Annan, if anyone, be speaking
up scientifically on American soldiers eating rummy's
radio-active depleted plutonium, while being blowed up
by landmine cluster dud? now that I come to think of
it... how is this to fit in any public American school
text book without mentioning the dying for nothing as
evil bushites part? Can't fit without some
revolutionary process of evolution to the betterment of
America as dreamt of by big picture planning, no?

Now, can someone, at least, lend me some credit for the
time being?

To you, for now,
I bid,

King of the cheap stakes,

Johnny Wizard

"Mr. bush tells God his plan is to victimize Humanity
in America's name, by hiding behind who's flag again?"

P.S. Why don't you turn me loose? E-mail this to
everyone for your own sake please, for we only have this
one last attempt to reach you as the World, for then I'm
quitting, and flying away forever to another place
somewhere else where God is love and friendship is easy.
How it use to be before corporate america forgot
Americans, and a person like you wouldn't be left
victimized to starve or die unrescued and heartbroken by
evil bushite misruled by Nature. I still love our great
under-appreciated God, how about you still friend?)

From the Johnny Wizard work - "Wait a Moment"

/ / Who cares about yourself if you won't listen as reason
to? What can you lose when you have granted to be
blindly stolen from?

Wolfowitz Committee Instructed White House To Use Iraq/Uranium Reference

/ / the CIA warned Wolfowitz's committee that the
information was unreliable, according to a CIA
intelligence official and four members of the Senate's
intelligence committee who have been investigating the


No mystery to untangling WMD puzzler

/ / ...We did not investigate to see what the trailers were;
we investigated to prove that they were weapons labs.
In other words, the conclusion was preordained.

... Intelligence was corrupted for political purposes,
not just in the Case of the Two Trailers, but in almost
every aspect of our intelligence effort.


Where's the Apology?

/ / In any case, the point is that a grave mistake was
made, and America's credibility has been badly damaged
-- and nobody is being held accountable.


Ground Zero

/ / Yet Powell dismissed these pointless killings, echoing
George W. Bush's Solomonic declaration on the question of
existing weapons versus hypothetical ones as a basis of
war: "What's the difference?" Powell said the decision to
kill the children was "based on the best intelligence we
had at the time" -- intelligence that, as we've seen,
could not possibly have been substantial or convincing.
But who cares? We heard rumors. "We had questions."
We killed children. We found nothing. We're not guilty.
It was bad advice, an honest mistake.

That's all they have left as a public defense: the ravings
of a man who killed for no reason, who sits in the ghoulish
mire he's created and calls himself good.


An antiChrist demon bush quote: "No president has done
more for human rights than I have,"

Is he trying again to make a funny on the needless
murders of near two hundred thousand innocent People,
while decimating Ameri.. Look. Who doesn't Hate
america's demon bush for deceiving no one as pure nazi
filth? What could he maybe further spew to back up yet
another of his wicked corporately unchallenged evil lies
as Humanity's most heinously EVIL enemy? KILL BUSH NOW!
(Jesus love you)


Arar's list of questions lengthens with passage of time
/ / Who leaked information about Mr. Arar's "confession"
that he had trained at an al-Qaeda terrorist camp in
Afghanistan, a false statement he says he made to end
his torture? Did those who leaked the information do so
to smear him and to cover up their own complicity in his

Yeah. Where did the original report come out of?
Anyone know?, or is it still something someone's not
telling US?

Maher Arar complete statement to media

/ / He did not tell me what I was charged with, but told me
to stamp my fingerprint and sign on a document he would not
let me see. Then he said I would be released.

/ / "We have information indicating that Mr. Arar is a member
of al-Qaeda and, therefore, remains a threat to U.S. national

Imagine that bushite evil for a second. The demon
bushmob tortures you to confess they were right to deny
your human rights without prior provocation, or any
justification to do so? Outside that they maybe thought
you were a smart Muslim with a Masters?

God oh yeah, we're looking forward to this developing...


- dtSearch - dtSearch - dtSearch - dtSearch -

a Note for all you Intel agencies

- dtSearch - dtSearch - dtSearch - dtSearch -


"...defaulting as cowards into ungodly tyranny?"

Upon reading this with another go, I laughed, then when
reminded of the results, I realized,. we haven't yet
failed to please our forgiving Nature. (Or the great
lovable, nothing to speak of) By living to do something
good for this world, we hope we can bring happiness to
ourselves, and in thanks, to the wonderment of what it
is for you or me to be present in this living day. You
must be alive as something special too, when you think
about it in that phrasing. We are miraculously
magnificent as God's free graces, and our possibilities
are spectacular, if this true freedom justice thing
catches on as vitally important. To you, I bid, a due.

Being as understanding as I am, I sense a
few might fear knowledge being told
as if one were sitting upon, Mount
Olympus, but I would only ask
you, that you treat us as
fair, as you, yourself,
would be included.
No, really.
I am not
s d

Ahem... When you get to be as smart as me, the world
can seem in some need of our assistance. Now, why we
haven't been able to articulate that until I crowned
myself make believe king, simply, to ask some questions
of myself mostly, I can't say either. But Jeeze, I so
much hope we're able to become what we concieve for the
better, because, then.. Wow! As ground fool Creator, I
have dreamed of crystal clear drinking water, good food,
and further, committing ourselves politically to a
better world for all persons included. How? Arrest
bush and rumsfeld for 9/11 as starters, and we'll take
also the bonus of ending the fight of further terror
wars for the war mongering evil, George Bush Jr. and
twisted rotten rummy; who instead, will be behind bars
awaiting public trial., for the murder of thousands of
God's People in New York City. For, that demon
antiChrist has no right to dictate to the rest as
Earth's new chance Lord, for that would not be me truly.

King of the World!

Johnny Wizard

I know we could go places if we learned quicker why we
have laws to protect the road.

(Don't miss "Johnny Wizard Vs. the bushmob") messages/28.html

(on bush's behaviour during the 9/11 incident.)

/ / Stuck he was then, with no mind to ruse, er.. time to
snooze, Arg! What was the cue? Errrch... If he moves
with priority interest as concerned openly honest public
figure, as he knows a legitimate President would have
been to first learn of such carnage,


why not previous before he left his Hotel room with a
television? Outside the Hotel? In the motorcade? With
school staff as you'd figure would have been present too
laughing, no? Instead he stayed as he had been to give
no orders publicly, nor attempt to make public inqiries,
but to listen with such unbelievable absolute devotion,
equating a beautiful child's story, as if it were Jesus
from the heavens himself, speaking directly on the
living Nature of our Universe..


From, "Johnny Wizard Here To Tell It Like We Is"

(Written prior to the beginning of corporate america's
evil bushite war against Humanity's Freedom in Iraq)

/ / ...Mr. bush indicates he knows
nothing of economics, or the important function of law
to protect our societies, so what if he should kill
Saddam, and maybe a million Iraqi people, then what? He
hasn't thought that far, and clearly, due to his
evilness we witness daily, couldn't care less. CNN and
other corporate professionals refuse to tell the blood
sucking, carcinogenic, corporate American real fast news
blips, of causes they as a nation in total celebrated
televised ignorance, have committed against the Iraqi
struggling to survive People, and indeed around our
world likewise. As was the bush regime's unreported
support of the overthrow of democratically elected
Chavez in Venezuela, who incidentally, as one of the
very few, holds a perfect human rights record, unlike
America, who is the only nation, the World Court has
convicted by factual documented evidence, to be a
terrorist state.


! ! ! W O R L D S H O C K E R S ! ! !

Deeper into Debate on Iraq

/ / Pressed by O'Neill for evidence, however, Tenet
acknowledges there is "no confirming intelligence" as to
the materials being produced. ...

... Indeed, its outline was being officially sketched
at least eight months before, according to O'Neill's

What did big oil know - when?

/ / In other words, our oil companies' imports from Iraq
effectively quadrupled during the first half of March.
Good point. ...

...Yes, that's right: immediately after the invasion of
Iraq, with US troops given the mission of controlling
Iraq, somebody was pumping millions of gallons of Iraqi
crude out of the country.

Doctors Dispute How David Kelly Died

/ / As medical professionals, a trauma & orthopaedic
surgeon, a specialist anaesthesiologist, and a
diagnostic radiologist, we do not think evidence given
at the Hutton Inquiry has demonstrated that Dr David
Kelly committed suicide.

/ / To take it to Bush in the upcoming election, the
Democratic nominee must be willing to ask: ... Mr.
President? Why did you mislead me?

Wow!, that's like revolutionary..

American Ali Baba: George W. Bush and the Stealing of America,

/ / George W. Bush, Ali Baba. Ali Baba, George W.
Bush. Thief, liar, debauched inheritor of dishonor and
nefarious consciousness. Creator of an unbalanced
world, yielding arrogance, ignorance and apathy,
spawning unnecessary hardship at home and throughout the
world, smirking and strutting from fund raiser to fund
raiser, raping our lands, waters and air, leaving
everyone behind, robbing our nation's wallets of its
treasure, its loved ones for his wars.

Ottawa promises inquiry will get to the bottom of Arar case

/ / "It's important to remember why we're here. It's
about a man called Maher Arar. It's about his
deportation and detention and it is about ... the
actions of Canadian officials, IF ANY, in relation to
those events," said McLellan.

Beautiful. As I wrote then, when I first learned of the
Arar relationship, I postulated that in fact, the
official RCMP, or CSIS, likely played no part in the
terrorist bush jinx. Now, I'm not saying their could
possibly be one blind devote bushite among the millions
of Canadians that make our nation great, but truly I
believe, we will get the enemy of freedom in America by
just being ourselves. Blind bushite ideology centered
on international criminality has it's downfalls in
context to our relative real world situations, as we
seem to be learning together, one way or the other.


/ / McClellan said the inspectors should continue their
work "so that they can draw as complete a picture as
possible. And then [and only then] we can learn - it
will help us learn the truth."

"...but we should not wait for every piece ... to
begin to reconstruct what happened," Kay retorted. If
we did, Kay offered, the bush administration could take
more than 15 years! to acknowledge what is publicly
known today by our intelligence officials!

What the does McClellan want us to tell him about? We
already do have a complete picture of betrayal by the
almost unbelievable, super evil bushite administration,
on their intentional lies of deceit to murder thousands
of good Americans for stolen freedoms believed fought
and died for already.

From Johnny Wizard's highly recomended "My Divine Right"

/ / The Senate Committee on Banking, Housing
and Urban Affairs, found corporate America sold Iraq
anthrax, VX nerve gas, West Nile fever germs and
botulism, right up until March 1992, on hopes
apparently, to risk further American soldier
causalities, who were at that present time engaged in
battle with poisoning themselves mostly...

...While we now learn from public disclosures on Connie
Chung, apparently, George Tenant, had only 3 CIA
officers investigating Laden just prior to 9/11. While I
remember last year it was alledged on PBS, the CIA had
taxed the American public nearly 10 billion on those
investigations regarding Laden over the previous year,
but, hmmm, bush forbade police agencies, the pursuit of
such investigations with his secret W199i directive.
Guardian Wednesday 7, 2001 - "FBI claims bin Laden
inquiry was frustrated"

Demon bush has stated over and over again, like rotten
rummy has, Saddam didn't co-operate with US as the U.N.
giving inspectors complete access without delay
anywhere. Let US just kill the two escaping 9/11
perpetrating, war mongering mass-murderers for that!, my
still DYING as too dim-witted for bilkings, young
American brothers and sisters.

The First Lie

/ / Several years after the adoption of the Constitution,
James Madison would write: "In no part of the constitution
is more wisdom to be found, than in the clause which confides
the question of war and peace to the legislature, and
not to the executive department."

MI6 'halted bid to arrest bin Laden',9174,837333,00.html

What did big oil know - when?

/ / with the country of Iraq itself sorely in need of
every imaginable supply, its most valuable resource was
being shipped out of the country as expeditiously as
possible (while the occupiers were pleading their
inability to restore even household electricity in

Again, the evil bushmob sacrificing worthless American
Patriot Soldiers, to steal a few extra dollars for their
criminal ilk to make more of US as innocent overpay.
What is an American soldier's life worth, if their so
leaderlessly weak and cowardly, they refuse to protect
America by destroying bush and rumsfeld for committing
9/11 against our Family?


Cluster Bombs: War Crimes of the Bush Administration
"But whatever we think about Rumsfeld's humanitarian missiles, he cannot plead ignorance about
the traits and effects of cluster bombs."

A proud bushite soldier, is a dead bushite soldier
halted from harming our children. What real American
wouldn't proudly arrest or destroy an evil bushite
enemy, I ask all true family men of this World honestly?


"The People of Iraq are free"

The enemy bushite falsely faiths that somehow, in time,
by forcing a continuing threat of our murders as the
innocent striving for Freedom through representation,
they as the enemies of You, America, Humanity, and God,
will as they are doing, provide US a "free" government
in this World that will permanently sell off all of our
Nations assets below wholesale, to give into the
convicted likes of a Halliburton, WorldCom, or five
dollar a day, worker wages Bechtel. Now what kinda
People's Democracy would that be then, where bush states
is now truly "free" for his war crime ilk to rob from in
Our stolen names dying? The demon bushmob 'cabal' has
freed Iraqis from access to clean water, electricity,
low cost fuel, food, medicine, being not bombed or shot
at by getting organized, or

Published on Thursday, January 22, 2004 by the Globe & Mail / Canada
Bush's Iraq: An Appointocracy
by Naomi Klein

/ / Got that? Iraqi sovereignty will be established by appointees
appointing appointees to select appointees to select appointees.

So, the lawless demon antiChrist bush along with bremer,
are pimping for bushites who will suit those who would
vote in our pirated names to rob ourselves by such

Published on Thursday, January 22, 2004 by the Globe & Mail / Canada
Bush's Iraq: An Appointocracy
by Naomi Klein

/ / Except that the United States has absolutely no intention
of actually getting out of Iraq. It wants its troops to remain,
and it wants Bechtel, MCI and Halliburton to stay behind and
run the water system, the phones and the oil fields.

Never ever land more like. Imagine that: Arabic
WorldCom phone bills, Halliburton gas bills, with the
only store "legally" open to US public will be Bechtel,
who will demand through bushite tyranny, you pay your
wages for something unjustly over billed as, but put
together at less than five dollars a day wages offered,
being as the only jobs available through not publicly
accounted bushite middleman directly chancing the whole
country of America as undefended financially., extending
"their" risk to do nothing; by the further needless
dying WORTHLESS WITH as da dumdums. Armed American
Soldiers should be bravely going after Baathist bremer
with DEMANDS for immediate democratic elections and the
immediate return of ALL the stolen oil-for-food money to
be spent entirely on priority Iraqi needs, solving the
bank robbery, while considering to start printing up
millions of invites for Iraqis to stay in America until
the toxic waste dumped by rumsfeld can be partially
neutralized., while we hunt down the rest of the evil
bushmob, one by one, with the full extent of Law,
entrusted to the Loyal American Patriot Soldier's Oath
to do what is strategically right in our America to
survive. Why do we do this? To protect our fellow
Soldiers from sacrificing under lawless criminal command
where a, buford "bush bitch" blount type, murders good
people for no stated reason, but to toll more American
casualties, while robbing all Civilization as fallen
bushite victim.

No wonder the evil bushites are now leaving in the
light, their Iraqi dis-investment plan, for the easier
pickings of undefended COWARDLY America tax payers to
rob from. Again, more than half of the monthly 4
billion plus 'top secret' plan, plans to not account to
ourselves., on costs of expenses doing nothing much of
WORTHLESS WITH. (Apparently, they can't think this far
due to the required math skills of subtraction and
division.. Or, so the bushmob don't say in between Our
commercial breaks on newscasts, or our acclaimed artists
publicly blast during the, we're the best at this, award

See the tragedy? The leaderless "bushited", American
Soldiers are too weak or cowardly to stand strong as
Americans for the needless loss of their very own by
cluster bomb. It is From the get go, an American
Soldier is sacrificed for, as the evil demon bush lies.
Examples abound today like stolen money being wasted to
fake fix things, really lives little damage undone. Or
leaving buford "bush bitch" blount and the heroin
pushing, child killer tommy franks unarrested, does
little of no good for America's image abroad, when
waring the bushmob "Freedom" medal, on an American cop
killing cowardly bushite soldier's dying breast. A
"Freedom" medal celebrating the ultimate escape of bush
and rumsfeld from an American Patriot's wrath as the
primary 9/11 instigators. (Say to a proud bushite,
"General Ahmad funded Atta" and they run away as
cowards, to play pretend like nazi savages who dropped
bombs on US innocent irrationally to pay further costs
in sacrifice to their false-deity unthinkingly.)

God or no God, I hate the demon antiChrist, corporate
america's false-deity, Your unelected Mr. bush Jr., as
much as any real Creator of this world, or any other

With such real inaction on old promises [lies] made by
the dishonorable and dishonest leaderless bushite nazi
savages, while desecrating all of Humanity by fighting
against a just rule of Law, (instead of protecting
America's America), forces the continued REAL WORLD
sacrifice of true Liberty, until the bushmob gang is
brought up by US for war crimes., as the 9/11
perpetrating, super evil as ungodly, demon antiChrist in
disguises. (I very much would feel welcomed to play my
part in those public proceedings.) Hmmm.. maybe CNN or
CBC can become publicly convinced we should have our own
news programs on what's truly happening?, to compete
against the 'evil bushites' in this competitive free
market place of ideas? Who knows..

Take care of the business, by getting US in on our
news-casts., as these principles here standing in words,
are a dreamers dreams, just waiting for You to bring to
reality., by standing proud, strong, and forever free as
a, truly, super awesome Human Being.

Johnny Wizard

-- : FBI Called off Terror Investigations

/ / Two veteran FBI investigators say they were
ordered to stop investigations into a suspected terror cell
linked to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network and the Sept.
11 attacks...

`You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations'

The suspected terrorist cell in Chicago was the basis of the
investigation, yet Wright, who remains with the FBI, says he
soon discovered that all the FBI intelligence division wanted
him to do was to follow suspected terrorists and file reports
-- but make no arrests.....

"I think there were very serious mistakes made," said Flessner.
"And I think, it perhaps cost, it cost people their lives

This is what whom want out of bush as leader?


Rumsfeld denies playing politics with war on terrorism medal

/ / The decorations are a point of pride for servicemembers and
when worn on their chests an outward symbol of where they have

Rumsfeld said the recommendation to have a single campaign medal
covering the global war on terrorism "came from below."

Ah ha!


From "The Trial and Conviction of Our Mr. Bush Jr."

/ / Just imagine rumsfeld and twenty men standing
next to some begging starving Afgan peasant, as a
trying to protect the community, unarmed police
officer, as rumsfeld, the evil doer, the walking
definition of terrorism today, stands over him without
any conviction to his humanity, God, or Justice and
states openly, (while our whole world is watching),
"That he shouldna flew those American planes as an
American into the WTC buildings in America, as his
world of depravity, slave labor, and human waste
conditions". Then reaching for his 20 billion dollar
titanium plated gun, with it's gold plated, ruby
tipped, 17.25 million dollar american made, top
secretly designed, uranium laced bullets, ready to fire
at a family man screaming for help to the american
corporate world ignoring, leaving, every real man
lunging, and ending the life completely of rumsfeld the
nazi **** with simply their hands in love, free of
charge, stopping dead the vilest evil bastard from way
beyond normal, in his contempt for innocent life, done
for the love to God as humanity has mercy, so too,
we'll demand smartly, to carry on as civilized.

The Selling of the Government

/ / In other words, the administrator of the agency charged with
overseeing these companies was giving them advice on how to get
around environmental regulations.

Or, perhaps the bushite appointed is typically working to secretly
sabotage the standing laws in America, to circumvent the People's
choices, that are already made as official "Democratic"
representations, defaulting as cowards into ungodly tyranny?

State of the Union: It's Not Good, Thanks to Bush

/ / Noting the rising number of uninsured Americans, the president
proposed a new expansion of tax-deductible Health Savings Accounts.
Yet the government has already tested such accounts, and the General
Accounting Office found that they appealed chiefly to affluent
families who already had health insurance and used the accounts
mainly as tax shelters.

Well, now that the bushmob writers are not obligated to follow facts
established by the government either, what can America further expect
as illiterate liars led criminally to robbing themselves by cheating
the dummy People payers again?


House Nixes Anti-Profiteering Penalties In Iraq Spending Bill

/ / "I fail to understand how anyone can be opposed to prosecuting
those who want to defraud and overcharge the United States
government and the American taxpayers."

Charges of treason should be leveled against those abdicating
a bushite's responsibility to the flags of freedom everywhere.


Risky Business

/ /He points to US companies subcontracting huge taxpayer-funded
reconstruction jobs for a fraction of what they are getting paid,
then pocketing the difference.

Johnny's Last Stand

/ / We have a great deal of gratitude to extend to artists, who
through their magic, help us through our otherwise non-existence.
Taking us through a crafted experience, acts of creation that
create for themselves a life to their own of those who enjoy
participating. Sometimes providing inspiration or comfort,
provoking thought or support.


The Selling of the Government

/ / Bush claims to love democracy; he led the nation to war over
it. Yet his policies are ultimately anti-democratic, the very
antithesis of a government for and by the people.

Ex-CIA Officials Urge Name Leak Inquiry,1282,-3657506,00.html

/ / "A thorough and successful congressional investigation of this
crime is necessary to send a clear signal that the elected
representatives of this government will not accept nor ignore the
political exploitation of the men and women in our intelligence
community," said the letter, dated Tuesday.


Enemies of the State

/ / In other words, it does not matter that Bush's invasion was bogus,
predicated on Straussian lies -- those who are asking for
accountability are traitors because they are supposedly providing
comfort to the enemy, who happen to be at this point Iraqis resisting
a brutal occupation. In short, if you don't back Bush and his gaggle
of war criminals you deserve to put in prison, maybe even hauled
before a military tribunal.

Risky Business

/ /He points to US companies subcontracting huge taxpayer-funded
reconstruction jobs for a fraction of what they are getting paid,
then pocketing the difference.

The $500 billion fire sale

/ / If a new government expropriates and re-regulates across the
board, Opic might have to compensate dozens of US firms for billions
of dollars in lost investments and revenues, possibly tens of
billions. What happens then?


/ / Amnesty USA reports that the Bush administration is harbouring
thousands of foreign torturers, including several mass murderers.

UK should face court for crimes in Iraq, say jurists,3604,1127371,00.html

/ / "Many respected groups and lawyers have expressed serious concerns
about the apparently unnecessary and unjustified civilian casualties,
particularly because of the use of cluster bombs in urban areas."
A Modest Proposal for the Suppression of Negro Terrorism in the United

What is a program activity? Where is the White House speechwriters'
ombudsman? From The New York Times, 1/22/04:

Are You Going To Get Mad? - by Charley Reese

/ / It seems to me that if Bush were merely mistaken, he would admit
it. He would say to the American people: "Look, I thought Iraq had
those weapons based on intelligence, but apparently the intelligence
was wrong. I apologize for misleading you."

/ / What is perhaps most disturbing about the above is how little it
disturbed the guardians of our democracy in the media. Virtually alone
in the press, USA Today bothered to inform its readers, in the context
of Bush's phony claims, that his own chief weapons inspector, David
Kay "turned up no weapons and no evidence of any advanced weapons
program" despite months of investigation. How much else of what Bush
and his representatives claim would crumble to dust with only a little
journalistic investigation?

Organ Grinders

" It's all out in the open now. The fact that the president of the
United States and his top advisers deliberately concocted a false case
for an illegal and unnecessary war -- in plain terms, that they
committed cold-blooded, premeditated mass murder -- was confirmed last
week by the most impeccable mainstream sources: George W. Bush's own
Cabinet officials, speaking for the record in America's major media."

Is Bush Doomed?

"Why have the neocons not been held responsible for their treason in
abusing their presidential appointments to substitute their personal
agenda for America's agenda?"

>>So what's the difference whether Saddam
>>had real weapons of mass destruction or only
>>daydreams of restarting his weapons program?


Bush Deceit on Iraq Exposed

/ / He quotes Rice as saying in June 2002, about pursuing U.N.
cooperation on the Iraq invasion: ''Save your breath. The
president has already decided what he's going to do on this.''

A War in Search of a Reason

> Iraq reconstruction's bottom-line
> / / Why then have the required components not been delivered? Jasim
> replied dismissively, as though the answer was self-evident: "Because
> no other company has been allowed by the US government, only Bechtel."

/ / ``KBR is charging Iraq US$180,000 (RM684,000) for each school they
renovate. They then give the project to Iraqi sub-contractors and pay
them just US$20,000 (RM76,000) to do the job.

[then subverted to steal American lives with by lying]

Demon Bush replied, "No, the intelligence I operated on
[then subverted to steal American lives with by lying]
was good, sound intelligence."

Where is bush leading America on not ever taking an
apology for his misdeeds to destroy our true American
value with? I don't know how else to simply word this
to the still sleeping, but bush isn't America, America
is America. You, as an American, have a sworn right to
demand for America, bush not be allowed to further
miscarriage Justice blindly back to the dark ages, by
not correcting himself on behalf of established
publicly, where American intelligence stood, stands, and
ultimately strives. Freedom is not protected by letting
the "bad guys" go, to further toll more innocent lives
for criminal sacrifice. Sometimes, the real simple
things are over looked as profound meaning. The Magna
Charta of 1215 states that a freeman should not be
imprisoned. Simple right? Not for the bushites who
side instead to faith in pope bush, who deliberately
unminds a timeless universal principle that exists also
in the 1700 B.C's, Code of Hammurabi, where all
individuals are to be found equally under the Law, to be
fair minded about our business. Simple right? No,
corporate america says being fair, is not to care one
way or the other between commercials., and the result?
The available 9/11 evidence is not publicly disclosed as
relevantly important, for Laden did the whole thing by
himself, (bush, cheney, and rumsfeld said they know
better than everyone else put together so don't even
bother to form your own conclusions on your present
state devaluating) case closed, now blindly pay your
further tithes to bush, cheney and rumsfeld for letting
the crime go publicly undetected, while with 13303, we
will silently watch bush make himself tyrannical
dictator over the rest of our Humanity, where he tells
US, to escape, he will with evil american nazi bushite
soldiers in tow, get this: not be found accountable to
Ourselves anywhere by law to witness, or to an all
knowing God even. Spooky, strange and somewhat
disturbing, siding to show, bush really is dim-witted as
archetypical evil incarnate eh? See? Civilization's
Code of Hammurabi consists of 282 paragraphs, of which,
the first line from the first paragraph translated
states "If a man bring an accusations against a man, and
charge him with a capital crime, but cannot prove it,
he, the accuser shall be put to death." Your demon bush
Jr. is recognized as an enemy of God not only by the
Taliban, but since the birth of the Human condition.

The position Your Mr. bush Jr., the antiChrist,
threatens against US all, (EVERY FAMILY'S MAN, WOMAN,
AND CHILD), is one where, as murdering war monger nazi
tyrant, he can with bush bitch traitor buford blount and
bremer, deem any NATION of People, outside all the laws
of the Universe, regarding our truer existence dying.
My timing as Creation is impeccable, when you think
about it. But don't think too much about nothing in
your own defense while dreaming what is doing, isn't
really happening. The unjustified NEEDLESS continuing
murder and destruction in Iraq by toxic bombings and the
use of cluster bombs as landmine to really kill cowardly
and ignorant American soldiers pirated as anti-American
lawless God hating nazi teen bush bitches, then, with
tommy franks to undermine the ORHA plan to rob the
central bank, museum, and steal billions in humanitarian
aid by killing more leaderless as evil godless american
soldiers with, was in itself, a crime against Your
Humanity., and bush along with rummy need to pay the
Piper immediately, before needlessly, taking US any
further as not truly represented lyrically to sing or
dance about aimlessly.

The demon bush's life, isn't worth the sacrifice he
makes of our opinions on Liberty, or our children's

The French 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of
Citizens, makes perfect sense when it states in so many
words, that all People are born [anywhere] free in
respect to their legal rights, Laden, and You included.
But no, not by the evil bushite misrule. If a Human is
not american, then the bushites don't need to follow the
actual criminal leads to establish a criminal case
rightfully against the accused, and instead, the
bushites will blindly victimize our dying world as the
disenfranchised and innocent, without true leadership
present as spoken for.

By corporate america not working to understand Freedom
requires our due process as our self commitment, means,
a bushite nation guided by the flimsiest of allegation
to deny the rights of all People falling as innocent
victims, instead of nabbing the actual criminal
masterminds who murdered Americans to steal Freedoms
granted to US all by living in the know. So, I purpose
a quick, let's get started, New World Constitution;
anyone who victimizes the innocent intentionally, should
pay a price by our political will, instead of ourselves
censored, as the unconcerned bushmob victims. By our
corporate news agencies encouraging the blind ungodly
belief that evidence is no longer a requirement to
convince US who is a criminal, is another bushmob war
crime in the making, and a road straight to doom for
everyone corporately devalued for bankrupt liquidation.
Suspicion is the minimum, when it comes to bush
demanding your blind faith in him religiously for
indiscriminately murdering hundreds of thousands, while
ignoring our Judicial investigations, so fraudsters
commi Halliburton, can over bill even further, US tax
givers as the unwilling still paying. It was reported
that seriously incompetent Bechtel, (who steadfast so
far as america's corporately unaccountable, refuses to
fix what they're currently being paid for by tax paying
bushite soldiers DYING as COWARDS for the wrong side to
blow up then pretend repair as), hires workers at five
dollars a day, while billing US all as unworthy of
consideration in the final tallies during news break.
What can't you figure if corporate news america will
forbid you raising concern for the life of an American
tax payer losing out to war criminals who would murder
New Yorkers for a fast dollar at your expense for
further keeping silent? These words are freely your own
to do as you will. Shout for Americans dying needlessly
under the TRULY incompetent bushite lawless rule, or
don't side to help a plead for mercy regarding yourself
truly included.

Can the bushites possibly think, we're all not ever
possible to stand together without a true Loyal
President, or, make believe King named Johnny, on the
facts firmly established regarding the treasonous war
monger antiChrist lying to Patriots dying US as victim

America, I will now leave the rest of Our job in your
hands for the time being.

Yours again,

Johnny Wizard

"We fight not for glory nor for wealth nor honour, but
only and alone we fight for freedom which no good man
surrenders but with his life."

Robert the Bruce, King of Scots, Bannockburn, 24 June 1314.

Some things are worth listening to again and again ...
/ /
PRESIDENT BUSH: Yeah. Look -- what -- what we
based our evidence on was a very
sound National Intelligence Estimate. ...

DIANE SAWYER: Nothing should have been more precise?

It's the demon bushmob cabal's liberal usage of the
term "we", that every American has a right to demand
a true representation.


Beyond yellowcake: Dissecting the over-hyped threat
of those aluminum tubes.

/ / Condoleeza Rice, speaking to reporters aboard Air
Force One, defends the aluminum claim, saying it was
written into the National Intelligence Estimate:

"The NIE ...has the yellowcake story in it, had the
aluminum tube story in it. Now, if there were doubts
about the underlying intelligence to that NIE, those
doubts were not communicated to the president, to the
vice president, or to me.

Cheney Being Pulled Into the Quicksand

/ / I asked why you claimed on national television that
no White House officials "knew that there were doubts and
suspicions" about these claims when both the CIA and the
State Department's intelligence bureau had raised significant
concerns with White House officials prior to the President's
State of the Union address. ...

. . . Your statements directly contradict those of your
deputy, Stephen Hadley. On July 22, 2003, Mr. Hadley held a
press conference in which he acknowledged receiving two memos
from the CIA raising doubts about the uranium claim being
included in the President's October 7 speech in Cincinnati
over three months before the State of the Union address.

More Questions for NSA Rice

/ / Rep. Waxman asks National Security Advisor Condoleezza
Rice to answer questions about the extent of her knowledge
of Iraq nuclear claims, whether there were White House
efforts to mislead the public, and how the discredited
uranium claim got into the NIE.


Washington Post defends Bush, Iraq war against Paul O'Neill's

/ / Until the middle of March 2003 Bush came before the American
public claiming that he had not ``made up his mind'' about war
with Iraq, that diplomacy would be pursued, that military force
would only be a last resort when all other options were exhausted,
etc., etc. O'Neill's exposures, including the existence of
documents, prepared months before the September 11 terrorist
attacks, that outlined plans for a ``post-Saddam'' Iraq and the
handing out of lucrative contracts, reveal Bush's performance as
a charade filled out with falsehoods.

Isn't this fascinating... a post-Saddam plan to rob humanity
by killing too cowardly American Patriot Soldiers for
Halliburton and Worldcom.

The Last Word

/ / It was just reported by Chris Marden on the 27 November
2002, that bush's top whore richard pearl, has advised
Britsh MPs, that bush secretly as the anti-Christ has no
intention of allowing the Iraqi inspection process to
succeed, and instead, is committed to murder ourselves
either way.

The "pending bonanza"

/ / The agency had been chasing the CPA and the UN to account for the
expenses, but was not given any answers. They quoted
one senior diplomat as saying, "We have absolutely no
idea how the money has been spent. 1 I wish I knew,
but we just don't know. We have absolutely no idea."

The Real National Security Threat: The Bush Economy

/ / While it is unlikely, it is not totally impossible that the Bush
administration's policy of locking up anyone called Mohamed and
favoring Israel might drive the Arab countries to try an oil embargo
again. It is, however, quite feasible that they may simply decide to
follow in the footsteps of Saddam's Iraq and demand payment in Euros
in the future. The math is simple: if they had done so a year ago,
for every 85 cents (one Euro, at the time) they put in the bank,
they would now have earned a $1.30.

Caveat Preemptor!

/ / On January 3, to the well-rehearsed cheers of our troops
at Fort Hood, you stated three times that Iraq is a "grave threat"
to the United States. But for our allies, and for an increasing
number of Americans, repetition alone does not enhance credibility.
They are looking for proof. (You are, after all, talking war.)

George Bush: World Class Monster

/ / "George Bush is a satanic, sadistic, brutal monster.
Compared to George Bush, Adolf Hitler was a true gentleman."

Memo for the President:
Your State-of-the-Union Address

/ / It is important that you be completely clear on timing. While
the Newsweek report of February 24, 2003 was the first to
publicize Kamel's testimony that the weapons had been destroyed,
US and British intelligence (as well as UN officials) had had
that information since August 1995. If you were not given a full
account of what Kamel said before it appeared in Newsweek, your
advisers should certainly have given you the whole truth when
Newsweek did break the story three weeks before you sent US
troops into Iraq to destroy those same weapons. If they did not
tell you, heads should roll. If they did, it becomes necessary
to explain why the information from Kamel had no apparent effect
on your decision to launch the invasion.

Restoring Credibility

/ / As you prepare to make the case against Iraq in your State of the
Union address Tuesday, beware the consequences of favoring ideologues
and spin-doctors over the professional intelligence officers paid to
serve you.

Guantanamo Bay, habeas corpus and the Texan who would be king: Some
legal observations

/ / Article 29 provides that ``no Freeman shall be taken, or
imprisoned, or be dispossessed of his freehold, or liberties,
or free customs, or be enslaved or exiled, but by lawful
judgment of his Peers or by the law of the land.''

Guantanamo Bay, habeas corpus and the Texan who would be king: Some
legal observations

/ / The Habeas Corpus Act of 1640 provided that ``any person
imprisoned by Order of the King or Council should have habeas
corpus and be brought before the court without delay with
the cause of imprisonment shown.''


/ / So let's see if I get this straight: the U

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