
Call for an International Food Not Bombs Gathering

Anonyme, Martes, Enero 20, 2004 - 14:24

RVA Jen C.


August 28th to Sept. 2nd 2004, the Republican National Convention will gather in New York City to re-nominate George W. Bush to presidential office. In response, thousands of people will mobilize to oppose the
egregious policies, principles and politics of the Republican party.

Food Not Bombs groups have called for an International Gathering to precede the RNC. We hope to bring together FNB chapters from all around the world to New York for discussion, food sharing and direct action.
We would like to see the formation and goals of this conference decided democratically to include input and ideas fom everyone interested. This undertaking requires assistance from as many people as possible, please join together.
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FNB Groups, please take the time to answer the following questions. We need to know if you want to be involved and what you would like to see happen at this gathering! Please spread the word, we need your help! Email responses to:

Would you be interested in attending an international Food Not Bombs
gathering in New York during the Republican National Convention?

What do you want to see out of an international gathering (i.e.
spokescouncils, skill-shares, speakers and workshops)?

How many people do you think your chapter could send?

What kind of supplies could your group bring? What kind of

What kind of actions would you like FNB to participate in while in
New York?

What kind of problems do you think your group would have in traveling
New York and engaging in the the gathering and actions?

Would you be interested in sponsoring traveling FNBers during a
North American tour preceeding the international gathering?

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