

Anonyme, Viernes, Enero 9, 2004 - 13:55


It was at this point that several witnesses report seeing what appeared
to be excessive physical violence done to Anthany by police officer(s):
“When I saw him being punched it made me feel sick.

ANTHANY DAWSON FACT SHEET - Rose Henry August 2002

Rose Henry

August 2002

August 7, 1999
      Ceremony at Police Station with Totem pole raising to enhance and
reinforce a better working relationship between Aboriginal people and
law enforcement personnel.

August 11, 1999
      Mid afternoon: Anthany got into his car and headed for home to
meet his mother. He was fit, in good health and with no injuries to his
body. Near Victoria High School Anthany seems to have pulled his car
over and at approximately 4:30 phoned and left a message for his mom
saying he was on his way.
     We do not know what happened from the time he called his mother
until the time the first 911 call was placed.
     At Stadacona Park Anthany was seen clutching his head as he
walked. He was moaning and groaning and seemed to be in great pain. He
appeared to be extremely hot and started to remove his clothing and run
in and out of rush hour traffic. He fell to his knees and toppled over
several times finally collapsing at Davie Street and Oak Bay Avenue in
front of a number of businesses.

      It was at this point that several witnesses report seeing what
appeared to be excessive physical violence done to Anthany by police
officer(s): “When I saw him being punched it made me feel sick.

It was at this point that several witnesses report seeing what appeared to be excessive physical violence done to Anthany by police officer(s): “When I saw him being punched it made me feel sick.
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