
[Mainstream Press] Montreal: Bomb scares hit condo building sites

Anonyme, Martes, Enero 6, 2004 - 12:46


Complete city blocks in the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve and Ville-Marie districts were closed off yesterday as police bomb squads were dispatched to six locations to deal with packages made to look like bombs.

The Gazette

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Pictures: A Montreal SWAT team member prepares to blow up a package left at a construction site. CREDIT: THE GAZETTE

Complete city blocks in the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve and Ville-Marie districts were closed off yesterday as police bomb squads were dispatched to six locations to deal with packages made to look like bombs.

A group calling itself the Comité d'Action Anti-Gentrification claimed responsibility for the suspicious packages. They all turned out to be duds, but caused the evacuation of dozens of homes and businesses. The group said it was opposed to the construction of condominiums and high-priced lofts in the low-income south-central neighbourhood where the availability of affordable housing has been a contentious issue for years.

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