
Help fight Canadian Corporation's plan to destroy Romanian landscape

Anonyme, Viernes, Diciembre 12, 2003 - 16:57

The Rosia Montana campaigners

This concerns a campaign against a Canadian corporation, Gabriel Resources. They are planning to mine for gold in a Romanian region, and this will destroy that region. Local inhabitants are fighting against the mining plans. Now a consultation proces has started about the plans. This means they will have to inform everybody who asks for it.

The consultation process for the gold mine project in
Rosia Montana has opened and we need many, many NGOs to register as interested parties. Under Romanian law each and every body has the right to be included as such party. We would therefore like to encourage you ALL to register - it doesn't cost you anything and is really important for the campaign. It will
show the Romanian authorities as well how much the
project is monitored (more info at

All you need to do is to send an official fax, email or letter to:

Dimitrie Clepan
Sef Agentia de Protectie a Mediului
Strada Lalelelor Nr.7B
Tel/Fax: +40-0258 813248/813290

Your letter should be an officially sounding and looking one and you just need to say that you herewith would like to register as an interested party in the process to evaluate the Environmental Impact of RMGC's Rosia
Montana project. That's all, no need to say why or what so ever. For a sample letter see below, but it's better to write your own.

Please also try to encourage as many NGOs or individuals who have an interest against dangerous mining projects to register

Many thanks
The Rosia Montana campaigners

(Sample letter)

To: Dimitrie Clepan
Sef Agentia de Protectie a Mediului
Strada Lalelelor Nr.7B
Phone: +40-258-813 248
Fax: +40-258-813290


place, date

Dear Dimitrie Clepan,

Our NGO wishes to register as an official interested party in the process to evaluate the Environmental
Impact of RMGC's Rosia Montana project. We would like to receive an overview of the material available and the timeline and process that will be followed.

Could you be so kind to confirm receipt of our registration?

We look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,


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