Join Jack Layton and Canada's NDP -- fighting for legal marijuana!Anonyme, Martes, Diciembre 2, 2003 - 03:22
NDP Anti Prohibition Wing
NDP Leader Jack Layton has supported the full legalization of marijuana -- calling it a "wonderful substance." He has also supported Dutch-style cafes and mentions he is an occasional consumer himself. Video: Jack Layton in conversation with Marc Emery Jack Layton and the NDP also joined most Canadians in opposing the War on Iraq and supporting human rights issues, like the emancipation of same-sex married couples. This is a critical time, where Canadians need to maintain their identity and sovereignty. Canadians need to come out of the closet on marijuana, support the NDP and end prohibition NOW!
NDP Leader Jack Layton has supported the full legalization of marijuana -- calling it a "wonderful substance." He has also supported Dutch-style cafes and mentions he is an occasional consumer himself.
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