Hungerstrikers EU-summit in perilAnonyme, Viernes, Noviembre 14, 2003 - 18:07
Five arrested during EU-summit protest in Greece in June have been on hungerstrike since early Oktober. Now they refuse to drink too! Five prisoners - out of seven demonstrators still jailed in Greece since the EU-summit in june - have been on hungerstrike since early Oktober. They demand being released and they also demand that Suleiman Dakduk not be extradited to Syria (he has been living in exile on Kreta the last 18 years!). Now all five prisoners have been hospitalised due to their deteriorating conditions. One of the prisoners, Spanish Fernado, is said to only weigh 20 kilos. Still spirits are high according to their lawyers. On last Tuesday November 11 they were transported from Tessaloniki to a special jail-hospital in Athens. A painful 400 km. Ride in police-trucks. The prisoners decided to also stop drinking because they were denied the most basic rights, like access to their lawyers. This will deteriorate their fysical conditions drastically. A huge police-presence keeps solidarity-activists away from the prisoners. But they know they are out there More information on the Tessaloniki arrested and the hungerstrike can be found on a feature on indymedia-uk, that is updated regularly: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2003/09/278180.html There is a special website in support of one of the prisoners, British Simon Chapman. See: http://www.freesimonchapman.org On the website one can also find more information on the hungerstrike and on the trials. Simon has had bail rejected twice, although there is ample proof from corporate media-images that police planted incrimating stuff on him during and after his arrest. It would be good if people would start to make as much noise as possible in front of Greek embassies and consulates and the such. The Tessaloniki 7 must be released immediately! |
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