
Globilisation - A Perverse Cleansing of the Mind

Anonyme, Sábado, Octubre 25, 2003 - 20:51

Tony Holmwood

Globilisation - A Perverse Manipulation of the Mind

The Answer The Global Community Have Been Waiting For .... Read on (It is a perverse manipulation of the Mind)

The BPO Specialists Have changed the Dynamic in the Workplace & Community!

A Proactive Call for ACTION.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) = Greed & Ignorance = Disruption Theory

Standardisation was the beginning but in actual fact the "conspiracy" is a little more perverse. Most organisations today don't want a Customer to be an individual. They are prepared to loose those Customers who do not fit into their cookie cutter because they make more money. If you read the article on Disruption you'll see that providing low cost solutions of comparatively little utility for the 75-85% of the population for whom it works is preferable to any other model (80:20 rule?). There is no longer such a thing as Customer Loyalty. There is no such thing as supplier/provider value in the long term because of the preceding. AT&T has a confusing and deliberately frustrating VRU so that Customers with problems go somewhere else. The cost of keeping a Customer has far outgrown the cost of getting a new one in this commoditised world (true for most but not all industries). The losers in this model are those Customers with special/unique/distinct needs because actually no-one wants them because margins on their business is low and demand for service(s) is high better to stick with mediocrity where relatively unskilled workers can service successfully 90% of the Customers. Why train everyone to a higher level to deal with the 10% who have problems..... better to let them go somewhere else and create a Human Resource headache for some other organisation. If you believe our creative intelligence distinguishes us from animals and helps us through life, then analyse this message, copy it in its entirety, and send it to your friends and family most likely to respect the human need for purpose and freedom of choice. Openly discuss the concepts when you meet. Raise awareness in governments and employers. If they don’t respect our fundamental human rights, then vote with your feet! Through & through, the independent non conformist governments have taken hard knocks and can still come through with a smile. That of course is reflected at the individual level - the individual is the organisation. It's a creative government that listens to their people, typically represented by resilience, a “dare to be different

Why Globalisation Has to be Stopped!
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