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Eric, Jueves, Octubre 16, 2003 - 11:49

Sutherland, Shawn

If you think a Prime Minister should be proud to fly our flag, you're not alone.

You've probably heard it about it in the news, and now it's time to take part in
Jack Layton and Canada's NDP cheeky website on Paul Martin,

At, you'll get to vote for which flag you think Paul Martin
will fly from the Peace Tower when he replaces Brian Mulroney as Canada's most
conservative prime minister ever. And we're not making this a shipping
magnate, Martin flew other countries' flags to get out of Canadian taxes,
Canadian wages and Canadian environmental laws.

So which flag will go up the Peace Tower when he's PM? It's up to you because
your vote counts on -- and NDP Leader Jack Layton will hoist
the winning flag outside the Liberal leadership convention in November.

If you've got an e-mail address, you've got a vote on -- so
take part, find out the real goods on your next prime minister and pass it along
to a friend. (If you're looking for a French version, visit

Together, let's make sure more people vote on than voted to
elect Paul Martin as our next prime minister...without anyone knowing what he
really thinks.

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