
PHR-Israel: Al-Dura Denied Access to Medical Care; Mobile Clinic; more

Anonyme, Martes, Octubre 14, 2003 - 13:13

Physicians for Human Rights–Israel

"Israel is leaving al-Dura without appropriate medical relief, as happens with thousands of Palestinians every day. If the defense establishment believes al-Dura is a security risk, it should ensure he receives proper medical care in Israel."

Physicians for Human Rights-Israel

14 October 2003

Update on Freedom of Movement and Access to Medical Care in the Occupied Territories

Citing "security considerations," the Shin Bet security service is refusing to allow Jamal al-Dura, the father of Mohammed al-Dura, to travel to Egypt for the purpose of undergoing medical treatment there.

Mohammed al-Dura became a symbol of the Al-Aqsa Intifada when he was shot and killed on the second day of the conflict in an incident at the Netzarim junction on September 30, 2000. Jamal al-Dura was injured in the incident while trying to protect his son…

Tomer Feffer, director-general of Physicians for Human Rights in Israel [PHR-Israel], told Ha'aretz that the health system in the Gaza Strip was simply unable to provide proper orthopedic care. "Israel is leaving al-Dura without appropriate medical relief, as happens with thousands of Palestinians every day. If the defense establishment believes al-Dura is a security risk, it should ensure he receives proper medical care in Israel."

-For more information please follow this link to read Amos Harel's article in Ha'aretz Daily Newspaper this morning:


Last Wednesday, Hoda Shadub, a woman of about 50, wanted to go home after having eye surgery at an East Jerusalem hospital. She waited for hours at the Hawara checkpoint, which blocks access to her city, Nablus, but the soldiers refused to let her through. According to the new orders, they said, only ambulances could pass. The Physicians for Human Rights [Israel] association had to intervene to get an ambulance for Shadub, who finally got home - exhausted and embittered.

-Gideon Levi, "A prison that keeps getting smaller", Ha'aretz Daily Newspaper, 12 October 2003. To read the full article:


…Massarwah, an Israeli Arab physician, stood at a gate of the fence that Israel is building to separate itself from the West Bank, arguing with a Border Police officer. The doctor was explaining that he and a group of colleagues were on their way to a West Bank village whose people were in dire need of medical care. The policeman was explaining that he was not authorized to let them through without proper orders.

When the discussion began, voices were calm and the discourse courteous. But after 40 minutes, Massarwah was losing patience.

"I told him we have medicines that can be spoiled. It's nothing for him," Massarwah said, referring to a policeman who was trying to devour an ice cream bar before it melted in the midday sun.

Arguments were pursued, phone calls made and orders sought. After waiting nearly an hour, the mobile clinic operated by Physicians for Human Rights-Israel was waved through the gate.

-"West Bank Checkpoints Are Causing Deadly Delays", Andy Mosher, Washington Post, 4 October 2003:


For more information:

Shabtai Gold, Public Outreach, or +972-54-860-630.

PHR-Israel's latest position paper on freedom of movement within the West Bank: "At Israel's Will", can be downloaded here:

The comprehensive report "Legacy of Injustice", which reviews and critiques Israel's role in the realization of health rights by Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, is online (PDF format):

Physicians for Human Rights–Israel (PHR–Israel) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization founded in 1988 and currently comprising some 800 members, with the aim of striving to promote medical human rights in Israel and in the territories under Israel’s effective control. The basic values of PHR–Israel are human dignity, protection of bodily and mental integrity, and promotion of the right to health and medical care.

Tel: 972 3 6873718

Fax: 972 3 687 3029


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