
Benefit Show for the International Solidarity Movement

PML, Jueves, Octubre 2, 2003 - 10:22
2003-10-10 20:00
2003-10-10 22:59

Doors @ 9pm 7$
La Sala Rosa 4848 St. Laurent

ISM Montreal

As Part of Artists Against the Occupation
A Benefit Show for the International Solidarity Movement (ISM)

With Performances From:

EUPHRATES - Habillis Nofy Fannan - Narcicyst - Featuring Rugged Intellect
& Nine Majesty (The Montreal Based Iraqi Hip-Hop Crew)

DJ STATIC - Of Rock Deep & CKUT 's We Funk. DJ Static is a Montreal based
Anarchist organizer with the Anarchist Bookfair, the Alternative Bookstore
and a DJ at CKUT Radio.

PERSIAN FUSION MUSIC - Experimentation on Traditional Iranian Instruments

KAIE KELLOUGH - Montreal based writer and spoken word artist

KALMUNITY VIBE COLLECTIVE - A Montreal based rotating group of musicans,
poets & players

With the Screening of:

TANKS ALOT SHARON: A Film by Les Lucioles the Montreal activist video
collective. The film complies footage taken by various International
Solidarity Movement activists while in the Occupied Territories.

Organized & Supported by:
The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) of Montreal - Artists Against
the Occupation - Les Lucioles - CKUT Radio Montreal

More info: / 514.845.9792


Info on the International Solidarity Movement of Montreal (ISM):

A group of Montreal-area organizers are currently organizing to build
direct solidarity with the Palestinian people, within the framework of the
International Solidarity Movement (ISM). Our short term goal is to be able
to organize a group of Montrealers to visit Palestine in the next six
months. The goal of the solidarity visits will be to offer material and
human aid to Palestinians, to engage in non violent direct action with
Palestinians against the Israeli occupation, as well as to raise awareness
locally about the plight of the Palestinians.

The ISM is a Palestinian-led movement of Palestinian and International
activists working to raise awareness of the struggle for Palestinian
freedom and an end to Israeli occupation. The ISM utilizes non-violent,
direct-action methods of resistance to confront and challenge illegal
Israeli occupation forces and policies.

Due to the lack of respect for Palestinian human rights and human life by
the Israeli government and occupation forces, an international presence is
needed to support Palestinian nonviolent resistance. Palestinian activists
trying to work or protest alone face harsh punishment from Israeli forces.
This has included beatings, long-term arrests, serious injury and even
death. International activists are thus a resource for Palestinians, both
in terms of their presence and as witnesses to the daily humiliation and
injustice of the Israeli occupation. To build a Montreal-area solidarity
organization, we need your help. In the upcoming months, we will attempt
to build the financial and knowledge base to enable an effective Montreal
solidarity presence in Palestine, as well as a support network locally. If
you are able to commit some time, or help with fundraising, and would like
to go or help others go to Palestine with a Montreal solidarity group,
please get in touch.

International Solidarity Movement Montreal:
Telephone: (514) 487-5904 - E-mail: -

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