PLATFORM FOR THE CREATION OF THE CO-ORDINATION FREE AND ANARCHIST BRITTANY Due to their specific culture, their History, their languages, their feeling of common belonging, Bretons indeed are a people. Every people has a right to exist as such. We are therefore for independence of Brittany, in order to take our future in hand, to develop our languages and our culture and to repair the damage done by French colonialism : loss of our culture, of our languages, total dependence to the state… We want to be actors and actresses of our own History. France as it is presented to us does not exist. Its national conception eclipses our identity, in spite of the principles it is supposed to be based on. It is a political project leading to standardisation, subservience of peoples and centralisation of competencies. In Brittany and elsewhere, the French state has always behaved as a colonialist state : -economically (fisheries management, agriculture, industries, …); - socially (job centres, unemployed people forced to accept unfair contracts under the threat of cutting off of their unemployment benefit,…); - politically (centralisation of power and decision-making structures in Paris, without local consultation,…); - as regards military affairs (JAPD, planned repartition of occupation forces, …), -as well as in all other fields (energy sources and production, education, …). We are internationalists … and therefore we stand by other struggling (either socially or for national liberation) peoples and are conscious that fighting for an anarchist Brittany can only be conceived in the framework of a battle fought at world level. With this aim, the Breton fight constitutes a spark which can induce others, in particular as regards emancipation struggles which are a potential pool for radical social changes. As regards languages, the Breton people as a whole, due to the French language-killing and standardising policy, now speaks French. We are therefore not against the French language, but Breton and Gallo now must take again the place they lost in society, education, the media,.. We are in favour of a multilingual society, in which all languages brought here by immigration will have their place, without exclusion. Anarchists Our struggle is in the continuity of the social emancipation movement born with the Industrial Revolution. For us, national liberation cannot be achieved without a collective and individual liberation. Nevertheless, we do not favour any struggle more than another. The state, in spite of what it pretends, is a tool that works inevitably against peoples and individuals. Taking care of one’s affairs means not leaving anyone else (elected people, cops, prefects, ..) decide in our place. Whether for social, economy, international relations, ecology…or for everyday life in which laws are repressive tools which prevent the individual from deciding what is good for him / her. We are therefore in favour of a functioning which starts from the people : village, commune, group, country assemblies, which make it possible for every individual can express him / herself and for every idea to be debated with all to reach a consensus, in order to take everybody’s interests into account. So far, all models which were imposed on us failed (capitalism, Eastern socialism, electoral democracies, …). It is consequently time to imagine and build a new society on human, collective, non-speculative and non-authoritarian bases. An anarchist Brittany is resolutely against capitalism, authoritarianism and fascism. Because the law of markets is only beneficial to a handful of individuals who exploit the rest of the population and natural resources, we are against all forms of patronat and for the re-appropriation of production tools by those who try to set up self management and produce only what is necessary. Let’s break the productivist logic, which only aim is profit ! The cultural standardisation of people answers the needs for standardisation and control of consumption of exploiters. This logic leads to intolerance. For us, independence means opening towards the others. We won’t erect frontiers and reject the other. Brittany is multiple and multicultural and we are conscious that it is through this cultural diversity that peoples go forward. We stand against every form of chauvinism. Be Breton does not mean being born in Brittany or bearing a Breton name. Be Breton can mean choosing to participate in Breton collective life, in initiatives and decisions, being present in the assemblies. Kenurzh Breizh Dizalc’h ha Diveliour Coordination Bretagne Indépendante et Libertaire
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