The Long-Awaited Messiah Reveals Himself to the World...Anonyme, Domingo, Septiembre 14, 2003 - 16:04 (Communiqués | Elections & partis | Globalisation | Poverty | Religion | Repression | Resistance & Activism)
Lawrence William Page II
I finally stand forth to reveal myself and to deliver the long-awaited messages you have been promised and have been hoping for and expecting. I am the individual long known as the Lion of the Tribe of Juda (Yehuda), the Root of David, the Branch, and the Stem and the Rod from the Root of Jesse. Hello Everyone, Many will use the term Messiah, or Buddha, or Ascended Master. They all simply refer to a very special messenger and teacher. I am the reincarnated Teacher sought after in the East and by the Ancient Hebrews at Qumran, of Dead Sea Scroll fame. The entire concept of bodily resurrection is a blatant deception and purposeful delusion told by those who have constructed Strong Lies to hide the truth so they could continue to profit from your ignorance. I am delivering a large amount of knowledge and wisdom all at once. Much more will follow in the future. First you must take the time and read this message and the included Money Treatise. I know they are long and difficult but I have much to say and there is much that humanity must understand. Follow my instructions and the wishes and directions of your Creator. You must suspend any disbelief, practice humility and strive to understand the truth. This is a lot of information and it will be difficult for many of you. Included with these materials is the long-awaited unsealing of the Apocalypse (Book of Revelation). This is probably the most important thing you will ever read, and at the single most important time in the history of humanity. Do what is necessary to read this information now and to assist all others to gain access to it as quickly as possible. I'm revealing myself to the world this weekend. Please visit my website and download a copy of the documents I'm providing to the world, for free. Make your own mirror websites and refer people to your own mirrors. My website is limited website since I'm a poor man with very little money. I've unsealed the Apocalypse and other Hebrew texts by reverse engineering the ancient symbolic code used to encode these texts until now. I've proved decisively that religion is a lie and especially that Christianity, Islam and Judaism are great deceptions secretly controlled by the Vatican. I'm providing a website for your info. Please use it to download files and build your own mirror of this information. It is for researchers and others like yourselves. I'll start pumping info out to many others now but you are one of the first sites. All of your hard work is much appreciated. God is pleased by your efforts. As you will see though, there is much information that you may have a hard time accepting. There's a lot of material to ingest, but then I get the feeling man of you have been waiting to do this for a long time. Suspend your disbelief, practice humility and strive to understand these messages. All things will now begin to change. I seek your help in this matter and look forward to your questions and to your assistance. The time has come for hope and courage and wisdom. To quickly understand the wishes of your Creator and my mission and goals, I’ve refined the ancient Doctrine of Two Spirits and provide a simple outline below. There are hundreds of pages in the documents I provide at the referenced web site that provide the ability to understand the Truth and the nature of this Universe, in great detail. Here is Wisdom… The Seven Spirits of God The Seven Spirits of Evil By the way, I belong to NO religion and honor ONLY God, By walking the Path of the Seven Spirits before Her Throne, forever and ever. He who stands up for the Poor, the Just, the Wise, and the Seven Spirits before God's Throne. |
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