cso les naus eviction ::: announcement [barcelona]Anonyme, Jueves, Julio 24, 2003 - 19:58 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | Alternatives constructives | Culture | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Politiques & classes sociales | Poverty | Repression | Hommes / Men / Hombres)
les naus
Cso (Okupied Social Center) Les Naus Anouncement as an answerd to the sentence that evicts this center in Barcelona. The sentence arrival from the Barcelona Provincial Audience (sec. number 13) where the previous sentence is annuled about a proces of eviction because precariety, ask us to leave this space, that has been used for especulation in the last 20 years as well as the Grà cia quarter, and also the rest of the city of Barcelona. In front of this situation we would like to comunicate: -The eviction of Les Naus isn't it an unusual case, in a city where normally there's 4000 dislodges (evictions) every year, but because we are squatters, sure that the police display and the media treatment going to be, even worst. -The "bubble" of the state's agents and because there's no town planning that -The CSO (squatted social centre) Les Naus is a space that we squatted nine years ago, in front of the lack of public spaces in the quarter. In this space there's a management. it works in -The social labour that realise the CSO Les Naus there's reaffirmation when the Provintial -Meanwhile, the powers and public institutions, dedicate to foment discourses and campaigns that doesn't adjust to the social reality of the moment. The state's "The povertry is the worst way of terrorism" John Pilger.War reporter.
c/Alegre de Dalt 52. 08024 Barcelona
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