
Canadien Ba’athists backdoor NORAD, deploy WMD in America

Anonyme, Miércoles, Junio 4, 2003 - 15:48

David Hawkins

Canadien Ba’athists* who control MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates (MDA)and Parisien Research Corporation of Ottawa, have..
(a) ‘backdoored’ NORAD and US/Canadian surveillance assets
(b) imported Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction into Canada
(c) deployed WMD with Ba’ath sympathizers in America

Time to act: Canadien Ba’athists backdoor NORAD, deploy WMD in America

David Hawkins, Forensic economics and data fusion
Research links below -- references on request

Text to open e–mail for urgent attention:
George W. Bush, President of the United States of America,
Tom Flanagan, Office, Canada Official Opposition Party
James Rawlinson, British Consul-General, Vancouver,
Kevin Lamb, Australia Honorary Consul, Vancouver,
Joe Clark, M.P., Former prime minister of Canada,
Tony O’Brien, New Zealand Consul, Vancouver

Copy e-mail:
Sheila Fraser, Auditor General of Canada
Diane Francis, National Post
Neil Reynolds, Editor-in-Chief, Vancouver Sun

I make the allegations below. It is time you act or prove me wrong.

The Canadien Ba’athists* who took equity control of MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates (MDA) in 1999 and financed the creation of Parisien Research Corporation of Ottawa in 1997, have..

(a) ‘backdoored’ NORAD and other US/Canadian surveillance assets
(b) imported some of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction into Canada
(c) deployed WMD amongst Ba’ath sympathizers in the United States

(*Arab word for Syndicalism -- a fascist labour movement originating in France)

Several command, control, communications and intelligence (C3I) platforms have been ‘backdoored’ to terrorist groups by MDA and its French partners Thomson CSF (now Thales) and Dassault, including…

HMCS Iroquois and HMCS Halifax
Combat-support Challlenger jets from Bombardier
Beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) radar in the NORAD network
CP-140 Aurora patrol aircraft for the Canadian Forces
Dynacs mission-management systems for US missile defence
Centre for Remote Sensing in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (alma mater Usama?)

Some of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, including anthrax, VX and sarin agents, together with short-range SCUD missiles, have been imported into Canada by Parisien Research of Ottawa and its Ba’athist partners.

Parisien and its partners, including UNMOVIC in New York, have transferred these weapons into the United States under a Canadian Ministry of Public Works Controlled Goods Registration #020195, dated March 11, 2003, a few weeks before the American-led invasion of Iraq.

Time to act, or prove me wrong.

Economic renewal, public security, environmntal protection of the regional coomunity

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