
There was a day I'd have kicked Greenpeace's fundraiser's butt

Anonyme, Martes, Mayo 13, 2003 - 18:09

David Yamaha

Humanity's survival is uncertain. Is it important since I won't last forever anyways

There was a day I'd have kicked Greenpeace's fudraiser's butt. Survival of humanity always was second on my totem pole. Fighting terrorism, even for good reasons, comes first.

David Suzuki recently said on the tube everywhere he goes, elderlies notice a decline in nature. Could it be as less farming produced more food, fish farming will produce more proteins than fishing. If not, we're in deep shit. You guys may end-up gubbling disgusting worms as Japs are gubbling yesterday's disgusting crabs, I don't care much as long as I don't have to join you for supper. If that ain't so, before I die, and I'm not so young anymore, I may see some amazing dishes. Recently, I saw some chinamen eating rats on the tube. Hell, why not, I thought. As long as it keeps us all alive before I kick it. Afterwards, I don't care much.

You're short term right
Mié, 2003-05-14 08:54

Then there's the long term moral side or practical side if you haad kids earlier in life. What if everyone sneezes himself to death after you'll have kicked it? Might as well face it, humanity won't be eternal anyways but a few centuries ahead wouldn't hurt even if it costs a little effort during our lifetime. Don't we owe it to our unborn relatives after all the trouble our kids asked from us?

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Less meat and less gas. Eat better and fart less
Mié, 2003-05-14 12:51

My pinky tells me wars are far less deadly than damage to nature will once prove to be. So far, we still can bear it out here. It looks as if nothing has changed but it is closing fast on us. Drought ou west, empty ocean should ring the bell. This is the only spaceship left. Less meat and less gas would be a nice start for anyone who cares about doing his part.

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That may be useless
Mié, 2003-05-14 12:57

Useless since the world's largest polluter doesn't care none. What options are left? Taking care and paying the price of having less an efficient industry or competing until them idiots call for a reduction in pollution?

I still am undeceided. Help me. I'm due for a car ride and am not certain if I should have a stroll instead.

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