
George Jackson Brigade veteran, Bo Brown, speaks

PML, Lunes, Mayo 12, 2003 - 16:55
2003-05-15 17:30
2003-05-15 21:30

Dragonroot Center for Gender Advocacy
2110 Mackay (metro Guy-Concordia)

wheelchair accessible
childcare available (call in advance)

Bo Brown is a long-time San Francisco Bay Area-based working class anarchist activist. She was a veteran of the George Jackson Brigade, an urban guerilla group active in the 1970s in the Pacific Northwest. Based on her experiences as a lesbian political prisoner, Bo has been very active in the prison abolition and political prisoner support movement.

As part of the 4th Annual Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, and sponsored by the Abraham Guillen Press of Montreal and other groups, Bo Brown will be speaking at several events during her stay in Montreal. Her schedule of events is listed below. For interview requests, please contact

[NOTE: All events are free and open to the public, though donations are always needed and appreciated.]


Bo Brown is a veteran of the George Jackson Brigade, a former political prisoner, and an outspoken prisoner rights activist. Her talk will focus on combatting patriarchy, sexism, and heterosexism inside the left. Info: 514-848-7431


=====> SUNDAY, MAY 18th, 4pm
A workshop with George Jackson Brigade veteran Bo Brown

Bo Brown will be discussing some of her experiences of being politicized
while in prison, her involvement in the George Jackson Brigade, along with
her experiences as a lesbian political prisoner, and her work since
supporting political prisoners, women in prison and prison abolition. As a
veteran activist, Bo will be able to offers some lessons on anarchism and
armed struggle, the revolutionary prison movement, and how to build a
revolutionary anti-authoritarian working class movement. Bo's workshop
will begin at 4pm.

featured at:
A Day of Anarchist Workshops
SUNDAY, May 18, 2003, 11am-6pm

---> 1710, rue Beaudry (metro Beaudry)
Free! Childcare available. Partially wheelchair accessible.

=====> MONDAY/LUNDI -- MAY 19 MAI -- 7pm

The George Jackson Brigade was a mixed Marxist/anarchist urban guerrilla
group active on the Pacific Northwest, in the 1970s. According to Brigade
veteran Bo Brown "some people in the Brigade called themselves
Marxist-Leninists, some people called themselves anti-authoritarians. We
were not all white. We were not all anything, we were pretty diverse
actually. Half of us were women. Half of those women were lesbians. We
were probably 90% working class, 75% ex-convicts, and we were tired of
armchair revolutionaries who read great books and made predictions and
attempted to become the leadership of various movements but didn't really
do anything."

Bo Brown will speak about the history of the Brigade, its success and
failures, and the future of militant struggle for the left. There will
also be a launch of 2 pamphlets published by Abraham Guillen Press and Arm
the Spirit on the Brigade: "The Political Statement of the GJB", and
"Creating a Movement with Teeth: Communiques of the GJB".

---> Café Pharmacie Esperanza
5490 St-Laurent (corner St-Viateur)

***** ABOUT BO BROWN *****

Bo Brown is a veteran Bay area, California, working class anarchist
activist. Bo became politicized while a social prisoner and later joined
the George Jackson Brigade, a mixed Marxist/anarchist urban guerrilla
group active on the Pacific Northwest during the late 70s, where she
became a professional fundraiser (bank robber), and later a political

After her release, Bo was one of the founders of OUT OF CONTROL, the
Lesbian Committee to Support Women Political Prisoners. She was active
with the Norma Jean Croy Defense Committee that succeeded in winning her
release from prison, and serves on the Eddie Hatcher Defense Committee.
She was also one of the organizers of the monumental Critical Resistance
conference, is involved in Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC), and is
a constant presence in the revolutionary prison abolition and political
prisoner support movements, with a focus on supporting women in prison,
and a tireless worker for queer liberation, indigenous rights, against
racism, imperialism, and all forms of oppression.

Bo Brown's Montreal speaking engagements are sponsored by Abraham Guillen
Press, the Anti-Colonial Working Group (Concordia QPIRG), the Montreal
Anarchist Bookfair Collective, Café Pharmacie Esperanza, Concordia QPIRG,
and the Dragonroot Center for Gender Advocacy.

---> SATURDAY, MAY 17, 10am-6pm

More than 50 booksellers (including AG Press), collectives and
distributors from all over North America as well as the Federation
Anarchiste from France. Workshops, films and more! Location: 2515, rue
Delisle, metro Lionel-Groulx. Free! Childcare available (bring your
kids!). Mainspace wheelchair accessible.

514-844-3207 *

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