

PML, Domingo, Mayo 4, 2003 - 23:29
2003-05-06 17:00
2003-05-06 19:00

Philips Square


Salaam everyone,

Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights would like to invite you to a
vigil in Philips Square on Tuesday May 6th at 6pm. The purpose of the
vigil is to underline the tragedy that befell hundreds of thousands of
Palestinians as a result of the founding of the state of Israel in May
1948. While some plan to celebrate Israel's independence day, for
Palestinians the day of Israel's founding is known as al-Nakba - the
catastrophe. There are some 4 million Palestinian refugees in the world
today, most of whom are descendants of those displaced in 1948 and they
constitute the largest and longest-standing refugee population in the

We encourage you to join us to stand in solidarity with the victims of al-
Nakba. Candles will be provided. Feel free to bring signs or flags.
Further details and a reminder prior to the 6th of May will follow.

In solidarity,
Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights - Montreal - 514.905.5101 -

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