
Israel Day counter rally

PML, Sábado, Mayo 3, 2003 - 18:48
2003-05-07 10:00
2003-05-07 13:00

Phillips Square,
Ste. Catherine across from The Bay
(Metro McGill)

Jewish Alliance Against the Occupation

It's that time of year again for another counter-demo at the Israel Day Rally.

Last year, the focus of the Israel Day Rally - how the Israel was struggling against the Palestinian terrorists - was overshadowed by the small showing of anti-occupation Jews, Palestinians and supporters who quietly with dignity, showed there was nothing to celebrate about the crimes against the Palestinian people.

Most galling to the Zionists was the presence of the orthodox Jewish Hassidim and Palestinians together.

The day after, the newspapers all had front page news about our counter-demo.

Let's do it again.

The Jewish Alliance Against the Occupation invites you to join us.

Bring your posters and signs.

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