
Statement to the World

The Oldest Soul, Viernes, Mayo 2, 2003 - 13:03

Many Authors of Conscience

...we call upon citizens and policy makers to uphold the universal principles of national sovereignity, respect of territorial  integrity and self-determination, essential to just and peaceful co-existence among nations...

To the conscience of the world
The international order has been violated as a consequence of the invasion  against Iraq. A single power is inflicting grave damage to the norms of understanding, debate and mediation amongst countries. This power has invoked a series of unverified reasons in order to justify its invasion.
Unilateral action has led to massive loss of civilian life an devastation of one of the cultural patrimonies of humanity.
We only possess our moral authority, with which we appeal to world conscience in order to avoid a new violation of the principles, which inform and guide the global community of nations. At this very moment, a strong campaign of destabilization against a Latin American nation has been unleashed. The harassment against Cuba could serve as a pretext for an  invasion. Therefore, we call upon citizens and policy makers to uphold the universal principles of national sovereignity, respect of territorial  integrity and self-determination, essential to just and peaceful co-existence among nations.

Mexico City, may day 2003

Signed Initially By:
  Leopoldo Zea
  Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez
  Miguel León Portilla
  Andrés Henestrosa
  María Rojo
  Jaime Labastida
  Víctor Flores Olea

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