
Concerning the European Union summit taking place in Thessaloniki (Greece)

Anonyme, Miércoles, Abril 30, 2003 - 14:32


We are sending you this document in order to keep you informed about the issues that have been decided by the panhellenic assembly of the Anti-authoritarian Movement Salonika 2003, in relation to the actions that we are going to organise during the period of the EU summit in Thessaloniki (or Salonika) in June 2003.

Concerning the European
Union summit taking place in Thessaloniki (Greece) in June 2003

We are sending you this document in order to keep you informed about
the issues that have been decided by the panhellenic assembly of the Anti-authoritarian
Movement Salonika 2003, in relation to the actions that we are going to
organise during the period of the EU summit in Thessaloniki (or Salonika)
in June 2003.


We are going to use a big space in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
which is located in the city centre, in order to cover the accommodation
needs of the comrades who will correspond to our call. This space is appropriate
both for the accommodation of a large number of people, and for the fulfilment
of the events.

About the "support" of the

Legal support

Groups of lawyers have already been assembled, and they have volunteered
to be on our side during these days, so as to provide direct legal assistance
and defence to the people who might be arrested during the demonstrations.

A web site (translated in various languages) will be created mid May,
where you will find information about these legal groups and about the
legal regime inside Greece. When this page is ready we will send you its
electronic address.

Furthermore, people from these legal groups have committed themselves
to be present at the Greek borders in order to meet the comrades from abroad
and to proceed with the necessary legal procedures in case their entrance
into the country is forbidden.

Medical support

A medical group – both doctors and medical students, has been created
so as to be present inside the demonstrations with the appropriate equipment
and in order to provide the first aid in case of any injuries. Among the
plans of this group is to carry out a series of first aid seminars for
the training of comrades who might be interested, and also to publish leaflets
with useful medical instructions.

Discussions and events

Accommodation will be available from 14/06/03, a week before the actual
days of the summit (20 – 21/06/03). During this period a four-day festival
will be organised in order to meet each other, exchange views and opinions,
and coordinate better our actions.

This festival will include a series of concerts, screenings, exhibitions
etc, and four major discussions (one each day), which will be accompanied
by other smaller ones.

The topics of the four major discussions are:

  • Globalisation – New world order – War
  • “Fortress

We are sending you this document in order to keep you informed about the issues that have been decided by the panhellenic assembly of the Anti-authoritarian Movement Salonika 2003, in relation to the actions that we are going to organise during the period

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