
Federalism won!What does that means?

Mary-Josée Brissette, Martes, Abril 15, 2003 - 16:28


Today, I feel anglo. Maybe it is because the winning of my new idol Jean Charest yesterday. I used to write in French, but now, French language will drop off and be forgotten for the next five years. Get used to the sound of it: Quebec Premier Jean Charest. Get used to hear always the same thing: health care, fiscality, health care, fiscality. Get used to see the two Johns dealing friendly together. Federal and provincial are now friends. Bye bye sovereignty!

Federalism won! I would like to say the « eff-you-see-kay » word but they won't validate my paper if I do it. Federalism won! Sorry, even if I expected it, I just can't digerate it well. I am still on chock. I didn't sleep last nigth. I got drunk to forget that Quebecers prefered Jean Charest to anyone else...And they won really strongly these libs! 76! F-U-C-K word! I think I will go buy another beer to continue this paper without thinking about suicide. I think we assisted last evening, dear friends, to sovereignty and maybe a little progressive solutions death. Probably it's Quebecers are suiciders. Or, they are just stupids! I don't know. I am going to buy something to clean or dirt my brain and I'll be back to analyse the last thirty-three days and try to understand what happened last night. What does that means?

That means that Quebec population wanted to change. Probably they were pissed off about the same old faces, who were saying the same old things. Maybe the televised debate where Jean Charest litteraly attacked Landry about 1995 referendum and looked prepared and strong, maybe all that changes public opinion. I said "changes" because remember at the beginning of the campaing how PQ was strong. CAUTION. I am not péquiste. But, between the three major partys, I would prefer, even if they became more and more neo-liberal and close to industries and capitals, I would prefer PQ, with a strong opposition shared between ADQ and libs. No, I am not péquiste. I am....euhhhh....I am progressive. I am really at the left of the politic line. Well, it doesn't matter for this paper. I just want to understand what happened.

The voters wanted a change and they got it. Some of it they will welcome, such as a break from referendums and constant squabbling with Ottawa and a tax cut of $1 billion a year for five years. And maybe the Liberals can do better with the health system, who knows? With their plans for the next five years, they will probably just make the Quebec deficit grow. OK. Let me tell you one thing that could seems radical but it is a solution. We haven’t has a recession for 13 years. If Charest do all he wants to do with the budgeting government has for the moment, he will probably put Quebec into another recession. And you know what? That would be great for Quebec. If people eats peanut butter and bread for ten years, maybe they will understand (finally) that neo-liberalism is not the solution. And then, they will try PQ again, and they won’t do better, and then Libs again, and they won’t do better, and then? Understanding? Maybe. So at this moment, maybe Quebecers will want to get a real change : the progressive and collective way. I can’t imagine Quebecers are enough stupids to continue the same way they do since over a century : Blue/Red/Blue/Blue/Red/Red/Blue/Red. And they call that a change! That’s not a change! This is the same fu*&() thing, but one is more capitalist then the other, and I’d like to say that more time runs, more they are getting closer about lobbying, capitalism and neo-liberalism, but this is another story.

Let me tell you what is a real change : Green. All progressive and green partys will be a change. A real one. For people who don’t understand what I mean today, I just have to say, we’ll see in five years, which kind of change you will expect. I am sure it will be Blue, or worst, Red...
And the wheel will turns again, and again...

*I am sorry if there's mistakes in my text. I would like to remind that I am French and if I am writing in English is to be prepared, just in case I get assimiled, we never know.

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