
Oppose the Great Lakes Security Summit

PML, Viernes, Abril 4, 2003 - 23:50
2003-04-06 11:00
2003-04-07 22:00

Bay & Wellesley
Sutton Place Hotel

OCAP & others



Monday April 7th
Bay & Wellesley
Sutton Place Hotel
10 am

Sunday April 6th
St. George and Bloor
noon- 6pm

(Details below)


>From April 7-9th, 2003, politicians and corporate executives from both
sides of the border will be gathering at the lavish Sutton Place hotel in
Toronto for the Great Lakes Security Summit. While cluster bombs are
being dropped on the population of Iraq - and people from 33 Arab nations
including Iraq who seek asylum in the US are being interrogated and
indefinitely detained - these racist snakes are moving forward with
their plans for increased monitoring, intimidation, detention and
deportation of refugees, immigrants, migrant workers and non-status

This summit takes place at a time when the Premier of Ontario has written
to U.S. Ambassador Paul Cellucci, to say he supports the American-led
attack on Iraq, and that he's disappointed with the Canadian government's
position on the war. At a time when Public Safety and and Security
Minister Bob Runciman has accused Ottawa of "spitting in the eyes of our
best friend", saying Canada "should have shown moral support for the
United States". This is from the same man who has loudly called for
Australian-style detention practices in Canada, heralding an immigration
system where people seeking political asylum are held for as long as two
years - where on one night three men, along with a 16-year-old boy tried
to hang themselves, where two hundred people had gone on a hunger strike
at once, some of them sewing their lips shut.

Under the slogan of "No One Is Illegal", groups and individuals from
across Toronto have united to fight the racist crackdown. We can not
stand idly by while the likes of Ernie Eves, Bob Runciman and a host of
other politicians, businesspeople and immigration thugs from both sides of
the border move forward with their plans to create "Fortress North
America" under the cover of the ever-escalating "War on Terrorism".

At what point do we say enough is enough?


Sunday April 6th , 2003
OISE, 252 Bloor Street West, 4th Floor, Room 4-442

Noon - 3pm: Workshops

12-1:30pm: Immigration Law Workshop
Q & A with experienced immigration lawyers
How are immigration laws and procedures changing? How does it affect you?

1:45-3pm: Immigrants Fight Back!
A workshop with immigrants who have successfully fought back against
Immigration Canada. Includes: practical community organizing tactics, and
how to go public with your case.

3-5pm: Panel Discussion
Speakers include: Avvy Go - STATUS * Nandita Sharma * No One Is Illegal
(Montreal) * Comite des sans-status Algeriennes (Montreal) * Coalition for
the Human Rights of Immigrants (NYC)

5-6pm: Food and Film
"Holiday Camp: How is your liberation bound with mine?"
A film on the Australian detention centre in Woomera.

Childcare and translation will be available for the entire conference

7pm: Picket
Sutton Place Hotel
955 Bay Street (at Wellesley)
Site of the Great Lakes Security Summit

Bring noisemakers! Bring pots and pans!
Let's send the delegates packing- they are not welcome here!


Monday April 7th, 2003
10 am
Sutton Place Hotel
955 Bay Street (at Wellesley)

Bring noisemakers! Bring pots and pans!
Stop the attack on immigrants and refugees. Stop the War.


For more information, contact or call

Media should call one of the following spokepeople:

Sima Zerehi 647.293.3428
Avvy Go 416.971.9674
Mughir Al-Hindi 416.804.2593

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Collectif à Québec: n'existe plus.

Impliquez-vous !


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