

dragonfly, Jueves, Abril 3, 2003 - 16:40


Almost daily the new-tech marketplace provides better, faster, and bigger objects to fascinate and seduce us with data driven potential. But before we get caught up in this space race, let's take a look at the real cost of all this hardware.

- For Immediate Release -

Montréal April 2nd 2003


:: Presented in association with reBOOT Quebec.


Almost daily the new-tech marketplace provides better, faster, and
bigger objects to fascinate and seduce us with data driven potential.
But before we get caught up in this space race, letís take a look at the
real cost of all this hardware.

Studio XX is delighted to welcome reBoot Quebec, Montrealís only
non-profit new tech redistribution centre to participate in a Femmes
Br@nchées, exclusively devoted to examining the environmental impact of
new technology.

Members of reBoot Quebec will join Studio XX members, Chrisa Hoicka and
Rebecca Lancaster in an examination of the impact of personal computers
on the environment. Following this, the group will discuss practices and
strategies undertaken locally and internationally to reduce, re-use, and
recycle what is often erroneously considered digital detritus.

The presenters will make use of visual materials and examples from
Montrealís own infrastructure and environmental regulations.

reBOOT Quebec is a non-profit organization providing computer hardware,
networking and technical support to charities, non-profits and people
with limited access to technology. They are a volunteer driven
association, located in the West Island. The goal of reBoot is two-fold;
to provide at a low cost, essential equipment to communities in the
non-profit sector, and to educate the public as to the environmental
price of their technological devices.

Chrisa Hoicka is an activist feminist engineer with a background in
research on methods of disposal of toxic materials found in such
products as batteries.

Rebecca Lancaster is an entrepreneur/educator with a background in
comprehending Montrealís challenging environmental policy
infrastructure, as well as a global overview of technology-recycling
strategies and regulations.

The presentation will take place in English with translation provided
on-demand. Question period following the discussion will be bilingual.

Date : Friday April 11, 6 - 9pm
Place : Studio XX, 338 Terrasse St Denis Montreal QC. (Between
Sherbrooke and Ontario, Metros Sherbrooke and Berri Uqam. Bus #24)
Entrance : Free

This event begins at 6pm and will last approximately three hours with a
short intermission. The Studio is wheelchair accessible, and childcare
will be available on-site. Please call in advance to register your

For more information please contact Miriam Verburg: 514 .845.7934,
Or click on :

- 30 -

Studio XX is Montreal's foremost womenís digital resource centre.
Through a variety of creative activities and initiatives, the Studio
works with women to demystify digital technologies, to critically
examine their social aspects, to facilitate womenís access to
technology, and to create and exhibit womenís new digital art.

Studio XX thanks itís members and partners for their generous
contributions : Le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Canada
Arts Council and McAuslan brewery.

CMAQ: Vie associative

Collectif à Québec: n'existe plus.

Impliquez-vous !


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This is an alternative media using open publishing. The CMAQ collective, who validates the posts submitted on the Indymedia-Quebec, does not endorse in any way the opinions and statements and does not judge if the information is correct or true. The quality of the information is evaluated by the comments from Internet surfers, like yourself. We nonetheless have an Editorial Policy , which essentially requires that posts be related to questions of emancipation and does not come from a commercial media.