
Gemini-9 releases two new animation videos

gemini9, Miércoles, Marzo 19, 2003 - 16:07

Adam Richard

Gemini-9 releases on its website the new animation videos for the songs "Watch the tower" and "Root".

Gemini-9 just released on their website their last two animation videos made for the songs "Watch the tower" and "Root", that were created for the Agora Festif event that took place at the American Can building last saturday.

These two songs, which are part of the album Cryptosomnia, are very critical of the Bush administration and these videos could not have come out at a better time in the light of recent events. Watch the tower puts in question the official version behind the events of Septembre 11 2001, and the video makes a link between the actions of Bush and those of Hitler. I will remark here to those who may not know this that the grand-father of George W. Bush, Prescott, contributed to the financing of the nazi party before world war II!

Root is a story in the future, inspired by the great economic forums that we know today. This song tells about one of the possible realities regarding the events of today. And mostly, the animation video helps to understand the song itself, its title among other things, which is a technical reference.

These videos, and the mp3s of our songs, are available for free on our website Feel free to distribute. I hope you'll like them.

PS: I would have attached the files to this message, but the CMAQ website doesn't accept the Flash format.

Official Gemini-9 website

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