
George Bush in Ottawa! Regional Planning Meeting March 15th

PML, Miércoles, Febrero 26, 2003 - 14:50


To Prepare for a Visit to Ottawa by George W. Bush

Anti-capitalist Community Action (ACA) and the Committee for Peace in Iraq
(CPI) invite all organizations, individuals, and affinity groups, to a regional
planning meeting on March 15, 2003 to prepare for a visit to Ottawa this spring by George W. Bush.

To Prepare for a Visit to Ottawa by George W. Bush

Anti-capitalist Community Action (ACA) and the Committee for Peace in Iraq
(CPI) invite all organizations, individuals, and affinity groups, to a regional
planning meeting on March 15, 2003 to prepare for a visit to Ottawa this spring
by George W. Bush.

Saturday, March 15, 2003
Ottawa, Ontario
(specific location TBA)

With the arrival of George W. Bush in Ottawa on May 5, 2003 Anti-Capitalist
Community Action (ACA) and the Committee for Peace in Iraq (CPI) felt it was
only fitting to help create a welcoming committee of all those who oppose his

ACA and the CPI will host a regional planning meeting on Saturday, March 15th,
where groups and individuals can begin to collaborate and organize collectively
in preparation for May 5th.

The March 15th meeting will require some logistical organization so there will
be a preliminary meeting on Wednesday, February 26th for Ottawa folks to plan
for the March 15th meeting. February 26th is not a decisional meeting, beyond
logistics such as location and times, the only 'decision' items to come from
the meeting on the 26th will be proposals for both the decision making and
facilitation process to be used on the 15th. (The February 26th meeting will
be at 7 pm at Cafe Alternatif at the University of Ottawa. The Cafe is located
in the basement of the Simard building, near Laurier)

While we recognize the right and desire for groups to organize autonomous
actions, we encourage groups both in Ottawa/Hull (and Outaouais area) and other
communities organizing around his visit to get in touch with us so we can co-
ordinate with each other. Our aim is to help build a large coalition of groups
and individuals who oppose the policies of the Bush administration and the
systems of oppression which that administration represents.

So get Ready! More info coming soon.

For more information or to get involved, contact:
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