
Is Proudhon an Self-Taught?

Anonyme, Domingo, Febrero 16, 2003 - 11:33

Francisco Trindade

Is Proudhon an Self-Taught?

The essential lines of the thought of Proudhon cannot be well understood unless he comes the tendencies schoolmistresses of your character and of the circumstances of your life. This happens because we are not in a cabinet philosopher's presence, of a thinker like a Taine or of a Renan, of a Marx in the period of your formation, that assimilates the methods of the discharge culture free from concerns too urgent materials and it can feel entirely to the elaboration of your work. We have before us a militant of the social and political fights - although it has not been, properly speaking, an acção man -, a debater as much as a philosopher, an investigator that in spite of a work never to know the leisure of a meditation dessinteressed.
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