Switzerland: POLICE WANTS TO BAN 18 HOMEPAGESAnonyme, Viernes, Enero 24, 2003 - 17:27
Whoever in Zurich reports (too) critically about police and authorities (1) or even institutes legal proceedings against fallible officials (2), doesn't have to worry about reprisals like f.e. illegal raid of editorial offices (3), illegal confiscations of editorial papers, negative films and videotapes (4), violent arrestations (5). Plus the usual little avalanche of charges & legal proceedings (5) under such intriguing titles as ... ... e.g. "subversive campaign against police and state" (6), "links to child pornography" (7), "gloryfication of violence" (8), "wearing t-shirts advertising forbidden films" (9), "taking illegal portrait pictures of police officers" (10), "hindering police officers from official duty" (11), a.s.o. Since going online spring 2000, http://blutgeil.com, http://PigBrother.info and other sites mainly on http://www.ssi-media.com specialize in topics usually ignored or even blatantly censored by local media like censorship (12), brutality and torture by swiss police officers (13), racism, forced deprivation of sleep, "lost" medical prescriptions and other unconstitutional standard procedures in Zurich Airport Prison (14) a.s.o. By continously publishing reports, newsletters and press releases (while getting regular, steadily increasing amounts of traffic), the pages managed several times to force both local and national newspapers, radios and TV to take up reports (although of course usually without reference), generating even a regular but shortlived hype on "police scandals" last spring -- all of this much to the dismay of both Zurich police corps. No surprise, local officers started early to try to muzzle the inconvinient homepages “by all means available" -- see f.e. above (3) - (11). With a little help from (amongst others) Interpol, German Bavarian State Police, Swiss Federal Police Administration (15) and the Institute for Journalism and Media Sciences of State University Zurich (16), two charges against all 18 homepages on http://www.ssi-media.com (plus even more on other servers) were quickly produced (5) The first trial took place Nov. 6 2002 under "increased security measures" (17). Despite being finally spoken "not guilty" in all charges, the verdict arriving Jan 9 2003 clearly is a 2nd class "not guilty": The former accused is reimboursed only 36% of his actual lawyer bill, not to mention his other expenses and troubles resulting from the proceedings (18). And this by far is not the end yet: The verdict isn't final (with the State's Persecutor likely to appeal), and already there are more charges and trials in the making -- see f.e. (10). SWISS POLICE: "ABOVE THE LAW" On the other hand, the officers involved in the illegal raid of the offices of ssi.media.com (3) with illegal confiscations of editorial material (4) later being "accidentally destroyed by the cleanig lady" (19) are safe from ever having to appear before court. Although an appeal against the first try of the District Attorney to stop the proceedings without detailled investigations was successful, it took the DA more than two years only to even interrogate the fallible officers -- after dozens of further costly complaints by a lawyer sponsored by swiss media union http.//www.comedia.ch Up to now, in any of the cases of police brutality and even torture documented on the mentioned pages (and partly also in the "official" media), not a single police officer was put before court, the police (usually investigating against themselves rsp. their "brother corps") "not being able to identify" the perpetrators and the Distict Attorneys similary not willing to offend their "good colleagues" -- but in contrary even officially proposing officers "standing above the law" (20), while the commercial media as usual refuse to cover such "ad-killer" topics. WHO KEEPS SILENT, IS GUILTY TOO! >>> A regularly updated SURVEY OF ALL THE PROCEEDINGS can be found on ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1) check out f.e. http://www.ssi-media.com/pigbrother/e 2) see http://www.ssi-media.com/razzia/e/Raid.htm#7 3) see http://www.ssi-media.com/razzia/e/Raid.htm 4) illegal confiscation of negative film & videotape No 1: http://www.ssi-media.com/blutgeil/e/Raid2.htm#nofoto 5) see http://www.ssi-media.com/pigbrother/e/Vorschauegl.htm 6) see http://www.ssi-media.com/blutgeil/e/Charge.htm#sc 7) see http://www.ssi-media.com/blutgeil/e/Vorschauegl.htm#Denounce 8) see http://www.ssi-media.com/blutgeil/e/Vorschauegl.htm#a1 9) see http://www.ssi-media.com/blutgeil/e/Charge.htm#ch2 10) see http://www.ssi-media.com/blutgeil/e/Charge.htm#pr2 11) see http://www.ssi-media.com/blutgeil/e/Verhaft1_5_02.htm 12) on our own behalf see f.e. http://www.ssi-media.com/blutgeil/e/index.htm#case, in german there's also a general survey on censorship in switzerland, plus artices about newspapers censoring reports of police brutality and torture 13) see f.e. http://www.ssi-media.com/pigbrother/e/index.htm#acid 14) "lost" prescription: http://geocities.com/ssi_media/ArtinjailPart2.html#Fr 31.03.00 15) see http://www.ssi-media.com/blutgeil/e/Charge.htm#12c 16) see http://www.ssi-media.com/blutgeil/e/Charge.htm#12b 17) see http://www.ssi-media.com/blutgeil/e/Trial6_11_02.htm#a 18) see http://www.ssi-media.com/blutgeil/e/Trial6_11_02.htm#b 19) see http://www.ssi-media.com/razzia/e/Raid.htm#4 20) see http://www.ssi-media.com/pigbrother/e/index.htm#steelrod
What swiss media and police dont want you to know
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