
Lysistrata Project

Anonyme, Miércoles, Enero 22, 2003 - 18:14

Jason Grote

A theatrical act of dissent

About The Lysistrata Project
The first-ever world-wide theatrical event for peace is coming to a city near you on Monday, March 3rd, 2003! Theatre artists from around the planet are raising their collective voice against war by producing readings of Lysistrata in order to: • Let the Bush Administration know that we oppose their war on Iraq.
• Provide events where citizens can unite to enjoy an evening of spirited, comedic theatre while raising public awareness about the volume of war opposition.
• Provide a humorous entree into a healthy community dialogue: What CAN we do on a local level to stop "diplomacy by violence" in our world?
• Raise money for organizations that work for peace and human rights.

Take Tangible Action!

Join the Lysistrata Project to inspire community action and communication. Produce a reading of Lysistrata in YOUR city.

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