
Resistance on Trial Changed Location!!

PML, Domingo, Enero 19, 2003 - 16:22


Date: Monday, January 20, 2003
Time: 12:00 PM
NEW Location: Corner of Bishop / de Maisonneuve
in front of Concordia University

Dear SPHR members,

We wish to inform you that the "Resistance on Trial" demonstration called for on Monday, January 20, at 12 pm planned to be held in Hall Building of Concordia University 1455 de Maisonneuve W. is moved off-campus.

The demonstration will be held on the corner of Bishop and de Maisonneuve in front of Concordia University at 12pm. People are encouraged to spread the word and mobilize as many people as possible for the rally.

This demonstration was planned to build solidarity with those students who are being charged for the September 9th demonstration which shut down a planned speech of Israeli war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu. In response to the planned rally on Monday, SPHR Concordia received a legal letter from the University Administration's lawyer on Saturday January 18th. The legal letter threatened SPHR's executive members with legal action if the planned gathering "Resistance on Trial" takes place.

As before we still stand in solidarity with those students facing charges from the University for the September 9th action and we call on those who stand in support of Palestinian Human rights to join us on Monday January 20th at the corner of Bishop and de Maisonneuve in front of Concordia University at 12pm.

Tel. 514.905-5101
Fax. 514.905-5102
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