Scott Ritter on US / Iraq: Dec. 3, 2002 (MP3 and streaming audio)Anonyme, Martes, Diciembre 10, 2002 - 14:58
. On December 3, 2002, Scott Ritter spoke at Binghamton University. If you've heard one or more of his other speeches, the content of the For what it's worth, his speech in Seattle is his most fiery, and the one at CalTech is a close second. You can access The Binghamton Broadband Version, 64kbps MP3
Low Bandwidth Version, 16kbps MP3
P.S.: There's a good deal of discussion about Depleted Uranium (DU) weapons use. You should check out a recent interview Doug Rocke did on Flashpoints.
Scott Ritter speech: Broadband and lowband mp3 files for download and streaming; 2 hours.
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