
deregulation in BC

Anonyme, Martes, Diciembre 10, 2002 - 01:07

dawn paley

a look at the deregulation policies in british columbia.

i want to call your attention to a guy named kevin falcon. No, he is not a nuke crazy us general, but in fact the minister of state for deregulation in BC(!).

most of his work is not publicized in the mainstream media, however, this guy's job summarizes the poorly planned neoliberalist agenda of the b.c. liberals (our provincial government).

I updated on Falcon's position last may, and I want to do it again now.

Here are some excerpts of Falcon's quest, from a presentation he made to open cabinet (might I note that there is virtually no opposition in cabinet):

"ISSUE: The New Era platform includes a commitment to cut the regulatory burden by 1/3 over 3 years. This cabinet submission recommends an approach for carrying out the platform commitment.

Regulatory reform can boost efficiency, reduce costs, stimulate innovation, and improve competitiveness. Regulatory reform also helps governments promote policy goals such as environmental quality, health and safety and consumer protection. In addition, reform often brings major changes in the attitudes and behaviour of firms, workers, and individual citizens, freeing up entrepreneurial and innovative energies within an economy. Similar culture change must occur within the government and among the regulators."

righty-o, king falcon. anyone who lives in this province has seen the types of changes that have happened here. welfare cuts, cuts to disability, cuts to education, cuts to health care, non-enforcement of regualtory environmental policy, a referendum on minority rights (treaty rights for First Nations) legal aid cut completly, privatization of BC ferries, attempts to privatize crown corporations BC hydro and ICBC, lifting the tuition freeze... the list goes on.

the irony is that amid the rampant deregulation, the "liberals" are making almost as many rules as they are removing. As of September 2002, falcon has chopped 403,733 regulations to 387,501. His target for June 2004 is to have 269,155 regulations link. Keep in mind, the 1/3 target is 100% Arbitrary!!!

And what's up next for king falc? he envisions much "red tape" will be cut in:

Employment standards and workers compensation, and
Liquor control and licensing.

How about this for a mindf**k: corporate elites out on the lawn at the legislature with picket signs cause he only cut 1/5th of the regulations that he promised. what crazy times these are.


a feminist environmentalist look at politics in BC, globalization, and us imperialism
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