Resistance & ActivismLeuren Moret Describes Vicious Attacks on WhistleblowersAnonyme, Friday, June 16, 2006 - 15:55
June 15, 2006 by Leuren Moret To the Berkeley City Council and City Manager: Un génocide typiquement colonialFranc-Parler, Friday, June 16, 2006 - 10:11
Comité éditorial de Franc-Parler
Plusieurs historiens décrivent les « Conquistadores » espagnols comme étant les colonialistes les plus sanguinaires ayant foulés la terre. Leurs méthodes sanguinaires ont mené à l’extermination de la plupart des peuples indigènes de l’Amérique latine. À Cuba, raconte l’historien le professeur José Canton Navarro, les Espagnols « assoiffés de richesses, ils sont allés plus loin que les conquérants d’autres régions du globe : ils n’ont pas seulement remplacé les relations primitives de production mais encore ils ont éliminé physiquement les hommes qui les représentaient. » José Martí – Héros National et Apôtre de l’indépendance de CubaFranc-Parler, Thursday, June 15, 2006 - 23:39
« La grandeur des chefs n'est pas dans leur personne, mais dans la mesure où ils servent la grandeur de leur peuple. » - José Martí Bolivie : Evo Morales rend hommage au CheAnonyme, Thursday, June 15, 2006 - 14:56
Un indigène rend hommage à un guerillero au milieu de la forêt. Le président bolivien, Evo Morales, rendra aujourd’hui hommage au guerillero argentino-cubain Ernesto 'Che' Guevara à La Higuera, 1200 kilomètres au sud-est de La Paz, où il a été assassiné il y a presque 40 ans. Le Projet Emma GoldmanAnonyme, Thursday, June 15, 2006 - 14:04
Le collectif WeNous et le Festival Infringement Un pièce collective en multimédia, basée sur la pièce d'Howard Zinn, à propos d'histoire, de travail, d'amour et d'anarchie, au travers de la vie d'Emma Goldman. Une présentation dans le cadre du Festival Infringement! Biblical Morality, Slavery and Other HorrorsLa Nota Comunista, Wednesday, June 14, 2006 - 09:31 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | Culture | Democratie | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Education | Elections & partis | Family | Femmes / Women / Mujeres | Gender (fem.; sex.) | Poverty | Religion | Repression | Resistance & Activism | Hommes / Men / Hombres)
RCP Publications • Box 3486 Merchandise Mart • Chicago, IL 60654-3486
Some say that Bush’s attack on gay marriage is an attempt to rally his base for the mid-term elections. But Bush’s call for a constitutional amendment has a far more sinister and dark purpose: to push forward a plan to remake the country on a fascist basis for decades to come. This plan pivots on imposing a government based on a literalist interpretation of the Bible with "traditional values" and “traditional moralit" in full effect. These "value" and "morality" are fundamentally rooted in slavery and the patriarchal domination of women—to say nothing of the near genocide against native peoples in the Americas and rivalry with and domination of other nations. All of this has been reinforced by a superstructure of white supremacy and male supremacy. The Vicious Agenda Behind the Attacks on Gay MarriageLa Nota Comunista, Wednesday, June 14, 2006 - 09:26 (Analyses | Culture | Democratie | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Education | Family | Gender (fem.; sex.) | Imperialism | Media | Religion | Repression | Resistance & Activism)
RCP Publications • Box 3486 Merchandise Mart • Chicago, IL 60654-3486
The film V for Vendetta depicts a fascist state with eerie similarities to the direction Bush’s America is headed. Central to the cohering logic of that regime is institutionalized ignorance and fierce discrimination against gays and lesbians, including manufactured hysteria around an AIDS-like disease that is blamed on a permissive society. This gripping depiction of fascism is something to keep in mind as we look at Bush’s anti-gay marriage amendment and the frightening terms of the so-called “debate�? that’s gone on in congress this week—a debate where prejudice, persecution, and cruel vengeance against gay people is taken as a given. Petition to the African Union for African DignityNigel Imonieya, Wednesday, June 14, 2006 - 08:25
Nigel Imonieya
Please read through the petition addressed to the African Union and sign if you approve of it as a patriotic african and recommend friends to do same. Please accept my most humble greetings. I sincerely wish to first express my gratitude and congratulate you and your compatriots for the role you played at the G8 Summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, where the debts of the 14 most highly indebted and poverty stricken African countries were cancelled. I am however perturbed as to whether the efforts and gains made at the summit, will be sustainable. It is with this in mind, that I am extremely proud to be a part of this enormous campaign for “One Voice, One Acton, One Africa Join the campaign forNigel Imonieya, Wednesday, June 14, 2006 - 08:19
Nigel Imonieya
Ever before now, all pressure to assist in developing the African continent have come from persons of goodwill in International Civil Societies, mostly non-African organizations. So far, these efforts have yielded a tremendous success, particularly the year 2005 with the "MAKE POVERTY HISTORY CAMPAIGN" which helped in garnering support for the cancellation of debts. The Bob Geldof show was a case in point. The year 2005 also witnessed additional aid for our beleaguered continent. We believe it is time for Africans to take the bull by the horn by proving to the world that whatever support received for the continent can be utilized for the right purpose. We have to prove to the world that we are not lazy; that we are a determined people when well informed, capable of putting pressure on and supporting our leaders in getting them to work for a positive change in the continent. As we know democracy is a veritable platform to achieve these goals. We need to continue to stress the importance of free speech as a vital requirement for development and progress. Without the determination of the African Leaders for a positive change, all efforts from the international community would be useless. We do not want this to happen, hence the introduction of this campaign for "1Voice, 1 Action, 1 Africa". The campaign for “1 Voice 1 Action, 1 Africa Les pendus de Guantanamo ou comment être élu en 2007Anonyme, Tuesday, June 13, 2006 - 22:25
Maxime Vivas
« Il n’y a pas de suicide, il n’y a que des meurtres », disait Elsa Triolet. Deux détenus Saoudiens, âgés de 19 et 22 ans, et un Yéménite, ont été retrouvés pendus samedi dans le bagne américaine de Guantanamo. 13 juin 2006 par VIVAS Maxime. ![]() |
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