
Resistance & Activism

Les Six Nations s'unissent à la défense de leurs droits et de leurs terres

Anonyme, Wednesday, May 24, 2006 - 12:29

Le Marxiste-Léniniste

Non à l'usage de la force pour imposer la justice coloniale

Anonyme, Wednesday, May 24, 2006 - 12:04

Le Marxiste-Léniniste

Les Patriotes de 1837-38 - la lutte pour l'édification nationale

Franc-Parler, Monday, May 22, 2006 - 16:42


Le 22 mai 2006, le peuple québécois célèbre la Journée nationale des Patriotes pour commémorer les soulèvements de 1837-1838 et rendre hommage aux Patriotes qui ont donné leur vie ou qui ont été forcés à l'exile dans la lutte pour établir la république du Québec et détruire le pouvoir colonial britannique. Des célébrations marquent cet anniversaire important pour la nation du Québec partout dans la province.

Colombia: Movilización reprimida / indymediacolombia 18.05.2006 - 21h22

Anonyme, Sunday, May 21, 2006 - 00:45

Colombia: Movilización reprimida / indymediacolombia 18.05.2006 21:22

Desde el 15 de mayo, en el marco de las movilizaciones campesinas e indígenas contra el tratado de Libre Comercio, la reelección del actual presidente Alvaro Uribe y por la soberanía nacional, la fuerza publica ha reprimido salvajemente las poblaciones movilizadas, en Cauca, Nariño, Valle y Meta, dejando un saldo de más de 100 heridos, más de 30 detenidos (as) y desaparecidos y el asesinato del indígena: Pedro Coscue.

Criminalización de protestas sociales.

Rally at Bombardier's Annual General Meeting, Tuesday, May 30th - Montreal

Lutibet, Thursday, May 18, 2006 - 15:44

Canada Tibet Committee

Bombardier: Complicit with the cultural genocide of Tibet?
Rally at Bombardier's Annual General Meeting, Tuesday, May 30th - Montreal
When: Tuesday, May 30th, 8:30 am

Where: Hyatt Regency Montreal (Grand salon) – Complexe Desjardins, 1255 Jeanne-Mance Street,

To read more about the railway and its impacts, see the report, "Crossing the Line: China's Railway to Lhasa, Tibet," at

Note: Please contact us if you are shareholder of Bombardier and want to help Tibetans speak inside the shareholder’s meeting.
For more information about the rally, please contact

Please join us to show your concern about Bombardier’s involvement in the Tibet railway and to demand concrete action by Bombardier to address the legitimate concerns of the Tibetan people. Please also forward this announcement on to everyone you know in the Montreal area!

Rassemblement à l'assemblée générale annuelle de Bombardier, mardi, le 30 mai - Montréal

Lutibet, Thursday, May 18, 2006 - 15:40

Comité Canada Tibet

Rassemblement à l'assemblée générale annuelle de Bombardier, mardi, le 30 mai - Montréal

Quand: Mardi, le 30 mai, 8:30

Où: Hyatt Regency Montréal (Grand Salon) – Complexe Desjardins, 1255 Jeanne-Mance Street (Mêtro Place-des-arts)

Pour lire davantage sur le chemin de fer et ses impacts, consultez le rapport "Crossing the Line: China's Railway to Lhasa, Tibet" à
Note : Veuillez entrer en contact avec nous si vous êtes un actionnaire de Bombarider et que vous désirez aider les Tibétains à prendre la parole lors de l’assemblée.
Pour plus d'information à propos du rassemblement, veuillez contacter :

Nepal: Maoist affiliated student union submits its demands

La Nota Comunista, Monday, May 15, 2006 - 21:44

La Nota Comunista

Maoist affiliated student union submits its demands to Prime Minister

Slogans painted on the walls at Bhrikuti Mandap by ANNISU-R:

The Maoist affiliated student union, All Nepal National Independent Students Union-Revolutionary (ANNISU-R), has formally submitted its nine-point demand to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) on Thursday and asked the government and the Maoists to express commitment to meet their demands before embarking on talks.

Big Brother and the Phone Companies

La Nota Comunista, Monday, May 15, 2006 - 21:34

La Nota Comunista

Big Brother and the Phone Companies
Bush Regime Spies on Millions

( Revolution #47, May 21, 2006 )

On May 11 the front page of USA Today featured the latest revelation in the scandal over the Bush regime's spying on people within the U.S. According to USA Today, the National Security Agency (NSA) has been obtaining phone records of all domestic phone calls from three of the biggest phone carriers in the country: Verizon, AT&T, and BellSouth. (A fourth major company, Qwest, refused to hand over their records.)

Big Brother and the Phone Companies

La Nota Comunista, Monday, May 15, 2006 - 21:34

La Nota Comunista

Big Brother and the Phone Companies
Bush Regime Spies on Millions

( Revolution #47, May 21, 2006 )

On May 11 the front page of USA Today featured the latest revelation in the scandal over the Bush regime's spying on people within the U.S. According to USA Today, the National Security Agency (NSA) has been obtaining phone records of all domestic phone calls from three of the biggest phone carriers in the country: Verizon, AT&T, and BellSouth. (A fourth major company, Qwest, refused to hand over their records.)

Après le salon le party

Anonyme, Monday, May 15, 2006 - 20:46

Des libertaires

Ne manquez pas après le salon du livre anarchiste, le party au DIRA!
Samedi 20 mai à 22h ou après le show au 2035 St-Laurent

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