Droits / Rights / DerechoU.N. Human Rights Panel tells US: close your concentration camps!forpressfound, Saturday, May 20, 2006 - 08:10
Foreign Press Foundation + New York Times
UN human rights panel in a report: US Gulag camps must be stopped. Censored reports out of Guantanamo inform about the past day's heavy riots by 'model prisoners' in a part of the camp which is the 'show case unit' for visitors. Rally at Bombardier's Annual General Meeting, Tuesday, May 30th - MontrealLutibet, Thursday, May 18, 2006 - 15:44
Canada Tibet Committee
Bombardier: Complicit with the cultural genocide of Tibet? Where: Hyatt Regency Montreal (Grand salon) – Complexe Desjardins, 1255 Jeanne-Mance Street, To read more about the railway and its impacts, see the report, "Crossing the Line: China's Railway to Lhasa, Tibet," at http://www.savetibet.org/documents/document.php?id=34 Note: Please contact us if you are shareholder of Bombardier and want to help Tibetans speak inside the shareholder’s meeting. Please join us to show your concern about Bombardier’s involvement in the Tibet railway and to demand concrete action by Bombardier to address the legitimate concerns of the Tibetan people. Please also forward this announcement on to everyone you know in the Montreal area! Rassemblement à l'assemblée générale annuelle de Bombardier, mardi, le 30 mai - MontréalLutibet, Thursday, May 18, 2006 - 15:40
Comité Canada Tibet
Rassemblement à l'assemblée générale annuelle de Bombardier, mardi, le 30 mai - Montréal Quand: Mardi, le 30 mai, 8:30 Où: Hyatt Regency Montréal (Grand Salon) – Complexe Desjardins, 1255 Jeanne-Mance Street (Mêtro Place-des-arts) Pour lire davantage sur le chemin de fer et ses impacts, consultez le rapport "Crossing the Line: China's Railway to Lhasa, Tibet" à http://www.savetibet.org/documents/document.php?id=34 DIRECTEMENT DE L'IRANAnonyme, Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - 13:11 (Analyses | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Globalisation | Guerre / War | Imperialism | Media | Politiques & classes sociales | Religion | Repression)
Oscar Fortin
LA LETTRE DU PRÉSIDENT DE L'IRAN À SON HOMOLOGUE DES ÉTATS-UNIS APPORTE UN ÉCLAIRAGE ET UNE COMPRÉHENSION DE LA PROBLÉMATIQUE INTERNATIONALE EN GÉNÉRAL ET DES RELATIONS DE L'IRAN ET DES ÉTATS-UNIS EN PARTICULIER. Big Brother and the Phone CompaniesLa Nota Comunista, Monday, May 15, 2006 - 21:34 (Communiqués | Culture | Democratie | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Guerre / War | Media: Liberte/Freedom | Politiques & classes sociales | Repression | Resistance & Activism)
La Nota Comunista
Big Brother and the Phone Companies On May 11 the front page of USA Today featured the latest revelation in the scandal over the Bush regime's spying on people within the U.S. According to USA Today, the National Security Agency (NSA) has been obtaining phone records of all domestic phone calls from three of the biggest phone carriers in the country: Verizon, AT&T, and BellSouth. (A fourth major company, Qwest, refused to hand over their records.) The CRIME that Covered-up the Coupforpressfound, Monday, May 15, 2006 - 04:27
Jim Kirwan & Henk Ruyssenaars
The 'Project for a New America': "The theft of this nation was a very shabby affair, carried out by amateurs whose true motives are just beginning to unravel. Had there been media to cover what was happening while this was going on, none of this could have continued!" Au Chili, les prisonniers et prisonnières politiques mapuche entament leur soixante et unième jour de grève de la faim.Anonyme, Friday, May 12, 2006 - 15:24
Condamnés sous le coup d'une loi anti-terroriste à 10 ans et un jour de prison pour l'incendie de 100 hectares de plantations forestières dans le sud du Chili, les quatre prisonniers en grève de la faim depuis le 13 mars clament leur innocence et demande la révision de leur procès. Ils dénoncent publiquement la logique de criminalisation des revendications du peuple mapuche mise en oeuvre par l'état chilien. Chili : les prisonniers et prisonnières politiques mapuche entament leur soixante et unième jour de grève de la faim.Anonyme, Friday, May 12, 2006 - 14:59
Condamnés sous le coup d'une loi anti-terroriste à 10 ans et un jour de prison pour l'incendie de 100 hectares de plantations forestières dans le sud du Chili, les quatre prisonniers en grève de la faim depuis le 13 mars clament leur innocence et demande la révision de leur procès. Ils dénoncent publiquement la logique de criminalisation des revendications du peuple mapuche mise en oeuvre par l'état chilien. Buy ’Em While They’re Youngforpressfound, Thursday, May 11, 2006 - 05:37
Henk Ruyssenaars
According to the latest reports US sailors and airmen are being told to fill roles in Iraq normally occupied by Army soldiers. The options? The Pentagon warlords will start the draft (18 to 45) and fabricate another 9/11 type catastrophe to justify the draft and their global holocaust. Media, Culture & Solidarity: BRIDGES to BEIRUT....! Tadamon!Anonyme, Wednesday, May 10, 2006 - 08:21
Tadamon! MONTREAL - Popular Event Series May / June 2006. Join Tadamon! for a series of cultural / political events in Montreal.... This ![]() |
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