RepressionRECOURS COLLECTIF CONTRE L’ARRESTATION DE MASSE À WESTMOUNT !Anonyme, Friday, November 14, 2003 - 04:40
Trois ans et demi après l’arrestation de masse de 157 personnes lors de la manifestation du 1er Mai Anarchiste, à Westmount, c’est maintenant au tour de la police et du procureur de la poursuite de se retrouver au banc des accusés dans le cadre d'une poursuite au civil intentée sous la forme d'un recours collectif. ROBINSON RELEASES FEDERAL REPORT BLASTING RCMP FOR BEHAVIOURS AT SUMMIT OF THE AMERICASPML, Friday, November 14, 2003 - 00:59
Office of Svend Robinson
ROBINSON RELEASES FEDERAL REPORT BLASTING RCMP FOR BEHAVIOURS AT SUMMIT OF THE AMERICAS Calls For Solicitor General To Take Urgent Action OTTAWA— NPD MP Svend Robinson is calling on Solicitor-General Wayne Easter, responsible for the RCMP, to ensure that appropriate disciplinary steps and operational procedures are put in place so that the abuse of police powers seen at the Summit of the Americas in 2001 never happen again. Lucy Parsons Center Visited by the Secret ServiceNicolas, Tuesday, November 11, 2003 - 12:47
Lucy Parsons Center Collective
On Friday, November 7, an agent from the Secret Service paid a visit to the Lucy Parsons Center, a long-time radical bookstore and infoshop in Boston. Earlier in the week the bookstore received a suspicious piece of mail allegedly sent from the bookstore and containing questionable material. The Secret Service acting on “intelligence reports Premier procès du 15 mars 2002!pour " attroupement illégal " du 15 mars 2002Anonyme, Sunday, November 9, 2003 - 01:48
COBP, correspondant de cour
C’est mercredi le 12 novembre 2003 à la cour municipale de Montréal que s’ouvrira le premier des vingt-huit procès pour la manifestation de la 6ième Journée internationale contre la brutalité policière du 15 mars 2002 qui s’était par un record de 371 arrestations. Hunger strikers in critical condition - Thessaloniki, GreeceAnonyme, Wednesday, November 5, 2003 - 15:04 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Globalisation | Imperialism | Repression)
Thessaloniki prisoner support group
Urgent Update from Thessaloniki, Greece. CSIS unmasked!Anonyme, Wednesday, November 5, 2003 - 12:24 (Communiqués | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Immigration | Imperialism | Repression | Resistance & Activism) On 31 October 2003, about 75 people protested in front of the headquarters of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) outside Ottawa. Protesters came from Ottawa, Toronto and other cities in Southern Ontario, and Montreal to demand the end to security certificates and freedom for five Muslim men who are presently detained without charges on the basis of secret "evidence" according to which they represent a "threat to national security in Canada." These men are Mohammed Mahjoub (imprisoned since June 2000), Mahmoud Jaballah (since August 2001), Hassan Almrei (October 2001), Mohamed Harkat (December 2002) and Adil Charkaoui (May 2003). They are at risk of deportation to their countries of origin, where they may face torture or Soirée des Lucioles: 12 novembreLes Lucioles, Wednesday, November 5, 2003 - 00:15
Les Lucioles
Le collectif les Lucioles Mercredi, 12 novembre CONTRIBUTION VOLONTAIRE Nettoyage social au centre-ville de MontréalNicolas, Sunday, November 2, 2003 - 08:58
Le Trouble
Cet été, comme tous les ans, le Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) a harcelé, brutalisé et arrêté les jeunes de la rue de même que les sans-abri. Il faut dire que les commerçants du coin et les touristes qui les font rouler sur l’or n’aiment pas voir la pauvreté qui est la condition de leur richesse. C’est ce mélange de peur et de mépris pour les gens de la rue qui fait que les riches mettent de la pression sur la police pour qu’elle « nettoie » le centre-ville, lieu où le luxe côtoie la misère. RIOT CHARGES AGAINST OCAP ORGANIZER STAYED BY TRIAL JUDGEPML, Friday, October 31, 2003 - 03:16
John Clarke
On Tuesday, October 28, the State's second attempt to convict me as the supposed architect of a "planned riot' at Queen's Park on June 15, 2000 went off the rails. As one of a series of pre trial motions that we put before the Court, my lawyer, Peter Rosenthal, had argued that my constitutional rights had been violated because the matter had not been brought to trial within a reasonable time. The Judge in the case accepted this and ordered the charges against me stayed. While we do not have any written reasons for the decision as of yet, it is likely that a seven month delay in providing us with disclosure of potential evidence was the main factor involved. Mexico: "No More Murdered Women"dragonfly, Wednesday, October 29, 2003 - 20:30 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Femmes / Women / Mujeres | Repression | Résistance mexicaine)
Bellow UK
In late August in San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, 150 women and men took to the streets with the cry of 'Ni Una Mas!' (Not One More!). The demonstration followed the discovery of the mutilated, raped and decapitated body of 22 year old Reina on 9th August in San Cristobal, and called for justice and a guarantee of safety for women in the city of San Cristobal. The focus of the protest was not only this hideous crime but also the 50 women who have been murdered in the city of Tapachula (also in the state of Chiapas) this year, and since 1993 the 300 women murdered and 450 who have disappeared in Cuidad Juarez (Chichuahua, in the north of Mexico). ![]() |
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