

CKUT Radio: Adil Charkaoui - Resisting the Security Certificate & CSIS

Anonyme, Wednesday, June 4, 2003 - 06:54

Stefan Christoff

This piece focuses on the cases of Adil Charkaoui & Mohammed Harkat, who are both currently being held in detention under the "Security Certificate". Adil Charkaoui a landed immigrant originally from Morocco and father of a young son, was nabbed on Wednesday May 21 in a police and security operation off the streets of Montreal.

Déportation de réfugiés Tibétains vers la Chine.

Anonyme, Tuesday, June 3, 2003 - 10:29

World Tibet News

Alors que le Président chinois HU JINTAO arrive en France, l'ambassade de Chine au Népal déporte des réfugiés tibétains.

La police attaque des manifestants immigrants

Roberto, Monday, June 2, 2003 - 12:09


L’ampleur de la brutalité policière contre des manifestants immigrants pacifiques et leurs sympathisants est apparue pleinement vendredi après leur sortie de prison. Les dix membres du Comité d’action des sans statut et deux alliées de la Campagne Personne n’est illégal de Montréal, Sarita
Ahooja et Andrea Schmidt, ont réussi à occuper la réception du bureau du ministre de l’Immigration, Denis Coderre, au 21e étage du ministère de l’Immigration à Ottawa.

Police attack peaceful immigrant demonstrators in Ottawa-3

PML, Monday, June 2, 2003 - 11:52


The extent of police brutality against unarmed immigrant protesters and their supporters emerged on Friday after their release from jail. Ten members of the Action Committee of Non-Status Algerians, and two supporters with the No One Is Illegal Campaign of Montreal -- Sarita Ahooja and Andrea Schmidt -- had managed to occupy the 21st floor reception area of Immigration Minister Denis Coderre's main offices at the headquarters of Immigration Canada in Ottawa.

Read the full article on CMAQ here

Police attack peaceful immigrant demonstrators in Ottawa-2

PML, Monday, June 2, 2003 - 11:51


The extent of police brutality against unarmed immigrant protesters and their supporters emerged on Friday after their release from jail. Ten members of the Action Committee of Non-Status Algerians, and two supporters with the No One Is Illegal Campaign of Montreal -- Sarita Ahooja and Andrea Schmidt -- had managed to occupy the 21st floor reception area of Immigration Minister Denis Coderre's main offices at the headquarters of Immigration Canada in Ottawa.

Read the full article on CMAQ here

Police attack peaceful immigrant demonstrators in Ottawa-1

PML, Monday, June 2, 2003 - 11:50


The extent of police brutality against unarmed immigrant protesters and their supporters emerged on Friday after their release from jail. Ten members of the Action Committee of Non-Status Algerians, and two supporters with the No One Is Illegal Campaign of Montreal -- Sarita Ahooja and Andrea Schmidt -- had managed to occupy the 21st floor reception area of Immigration Minister Denis Coderre's main offices at the headquarters of Immigration Canada in Ottawa.

Read the full article on CMAQ here

Police attack peaceful immigrant demonstrators in Ottawa

PML, Monday, June 2, 2003 - 11:40

Jaggi Singh

Sunday, June 1st, 2003

The extent of police brutality against unarmed immigrant protesters and their supporters emerged on Friday after their release from jail. Ten members of the Action Committee of Non-Status Algerians, and two supporters with the No One Is Illegal Campaign of Montreal -- Sarita Ahooja and Andrea Schmidt -- had managed to occupy the 21st floor reception area of Immigration Minister Denis Coderre's main offices at the headquarters of Immigration Canada in Ottawa.

More Pictures of the injuries available here and here

Update: 15 arrested in Coderre's office ocupation

PML, Friday, May 30, 2003 - 09:50

No One Is Illegal



May 30, 2003 -- Dozens of Ottawa riot police proceeded to arrest at least
15 people involved in the occupation of the offices of Canadian
Immigration Minister Denis Coderre late yesterday evening.

Here's the 5:30pm update from Thursday.

Update: Coderre office occupied in Ottawa

PML, Thursday, May 29, 2003 - 17:40

No One Is Illegal

OTTAWA OCCUPATION UPDATE -- May 29, 2003, 5:30pm

Ten non-status Algerians continue to occupy Immigration Minister's office.

Action Committee vows to stay the night until a face-to-face meeting with

Anonyme, Wednesday, December 31, 1969 - 19:00

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