

Campagne "Alimentation équitable"

Anonyme, Monday, January 5, 2004 - 22:32

Collectif Opus Homini

Le collectif Opus Homini lance la campagne « alimentation équitable ».

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Nous voulons une participation maximale... pour une année 2004 de changements.

Émélie de Sartiges

EDM 300 - Major Legal Challenge to US Administration Brewing

Anonyme, Friday, January 2, 2004 - 17:21

Geoffrey Holland

A Motion has been tabled in the British Parliament, which calls the United States Government to account for breaching the Geneva Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.

Anonyme, Wednesday, December 31, 1969 - 19:00

Anonyme, Wednesday, December 31, 1969 - 19:00

Le dragage du fleuve Saint-Laurent: les enjeux

Anonyme, Tuesday, December 16, 2003 - 18:01

Etienne Grandmont

Le dragage du fleuve pourrait permettre une relance de l'économie de la région des Grands-Lacs en permettant la circulation de bateaux au tonnage plus important. Les impacts environnementaux possibles sont cependant extrêmement inquiétants.

Help fight Canadian Corporation's plan to destroy Romanian landscape

Anonyme, Friday, December 12, 2003 - 16:57

The Rosia Montana campaigners

This concerns a campaign against a Canadian corporation, Gabriel Resources. They are planning to mine for gold in a Romanian region, and this will destroy that region. Local inhabitants are fighting against the mining plans. Now a consultation proces has started about the plans. This means they will have to inform everybody who asks for it.

River Linking Project

The Oldest Soul, Friday, December 12, 2003 - 15:02

Vandana Shiva

At the core of the science of river linking is the idea that water will be diverted from "surplus" rivers to "deficit" rivers, thus ameliorating floods and drought and improving food security by creation of new irrigation facilities. However, in the case of the Ken-Betwa link none of these assumptions hold...

Demonstration tuesday December 16th vs. ALCAN

The Oldest Soul, Wednesday, December 10, 2003 - 22:48

Montreal Muslim News

Support indigenous and poor people in India who are being attacked for their opposition to an ALCAN-supported project which pollutes their environment and duins their land!

Déchets dangereux au Saguenay

batiste, Tuesday, December 9, 2003 - 08:37

Batiste W. Foisy

500 000 tonnes de déchets dangereux sont entreposées aux usines Alcan d’Arvida (Jonquière). Vous avez bien lu : 500 000 tonnes. L’équivalent en poids de 10 000 éléphants.

Canada's Potvin advocates cyanide as "development"

Anonyme, Monday, December 8, 2003 - 13:17


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