
Logement / Housing / Vivienda

INVITATION - Proposition pour un boulevard urbain viable et habitable

Patricia Clermont, Tuesday, April 23, 2002 - 13:21

Patricia Clermont

Les trois coordonateurs de l'Association Habitat Montréal (AHM) vous invitent à la présentation d'une PROPOSITION DE TRAVAIL POUR UN BOULEVARD URBAIN VIABLE ET HABITABLE

(retour d'environ 2000 personnes dans le quartier Hochelaga-Maisonneuve et revitalisation de la rue Ste-Catherine est).

Plenty of Housing for DC A20 Protests

Anonyme, Sunday, April 14, 2002 - 13:07

We have gotten enough campus housing to fit hundreds. Our college is close to DC metro and is accessible directly into protest zones. We can also provide logistical suppport and are trying to get food. Contact as soon as possible to secure space. Space is available from A17-22.

Toronto: Anti-Poverty Snake March Ends in Standoff with Riot Police at Squat

LZ IMC Hamilton, Saturday, March 23, 2002 - 17:25


After about 1000 anti-poverty activists snake-marched around downtown Toronto in protest of the Tory convention, activists decided to squat in an abandoned building.

Why the World Must Boycott the United States

Anonyme, Saturday, March 16, 2002 - 13:36

true american

It is up to you.

Le FRAPRU a occupé les bureaux du ministre André Boiclair

Carl Desjardins, Wednesday, March 13, 2002 - 14:36

Comité populaire S.J.B

Une cinquantaine de membres du Front d'action populaire en réaménagement urbain ont occupé durant six heures les bureaux du ministre des Affaires municipales, M. André Boisclair, à Montréal.

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