


chapeau, Wednesday, March 31, 2004 - 20:29

dossier Kanesatake

EXCLUSIF! : un Centre de médias indépendants à Kanesatake… Car la crise actuelle ne se limite pas à un affrontement entre deux clans rivaux et à leur violence spectaculaire. La crise détient des racines profondes, et la couverture médiatique peut les prendre en compte.

Ainsi, le cas mohawk reprennait la une des journaux le 12 janvier dernier, après que la récurrente tension entre les deux factions de Kanesatake ait dégénéré en épreuve de force musclée. Une maison brûlée et quelques tirs de lacrymo plus tard, la situation retrouvait son calme dès le lendemain soir. Le clan de James Gabriel, supporté par les gouvernements fédéral et provincial, devait s'incliner et déserter le territoire. Mais ce n'était que partie remise...

À lire dans ce dossier:

Publications sur le CMAQ et Indymedia:

Mise à jour, 29 avril 2004
Mise à jour, 28 avril 2004
Mise à jour, 26 avril 2004
Grande présence policière aux environs de Kanehsatake (15 avril, 5h50)
Mise à jour, 13 avril 2004, 10h12
Mise à jour, 12 avril
Mise à jour, 7 avril
La loi de la meute n'est pas une solution
Poisson d'avril à Kanesatake
Médias indépendants invités à Kanehsatake
Les événements des 12-13 janvier a Kanehsatake

Autres publications (communiqués et archives de Kanesatake) (discours officiel du Conseil de Kanesatake) (solidarité avec une autre communauté rebelle, Grassy Narrows)

<b>La radio anarchiste à CKUT/ Anarchist radio on CKUT</b>

Anonyme, Wednesday, March 31, 2004 - 20:04

Aaron Lakoff

Participez à la création d'un documentaire à propos de l'anachisme sur CKUT/ Participate in creating a documentary about anarchism for CKUT.
Réunion sur mardi, le 6 avril
19h00 à CKUT (3647 rue université, dans le bureau de 'spoken word')

Meeting on tuesday, april 6th
7pm at CKUT (3647 university street, in the spoken word office)

Médias indépendants invités à Kanehsatake

Anonyme, Wednesday, March 31, 2004 - 18:40

Un groupe d’activistes de médias indépendants de Montréal, Québec sera présent dans la communauté mohawk de Kahnesatake à partir du MARDI 30 MARS 2004.

Recto Verso, libre et indépendant?

Roberto, Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 09:45


Le magazine Recto Verso connaît des difficultés finacières, principalement à cause l'arrêt d'appuis financiers du gouvernement canadien. Ce mercredi les responsables de la revue organisent leur propre assemblée des "actionnaires solidaires".

Mediactivism / AFE

Anonyme, Monday, March 29, 2004 - 21:42

Asamblea Florida Este

Mediactivism texts, Global War and more -


Anonyme, Monday, March 29, 2004 - 10:09

Matt Lechien

Coup de gueule sur la Palestine

Face Of Victory

Anonyme, Monday, March 29, 2004 - 03:33


"Welcome to the next Oklahoma City (and many other developments). The veterans of war are returning."

The Face of Victory
David Rovics

I lost my job and joined the army
To get an education
And I most surely did
Wanted to have some kinda steady job
Lead a decent life
Support me and my wife and kid
First I was based in Texas
Then it was off to Germany
Then they sent us to Iraq
So many ruined buildings
So many burned up bodies
Twisted railroad track
We were sent off to Fallujah
Told to keep the peace
Amidst such hunger and despair
I was just nineteen
I didn’t have a clue
What we were doing there
Now they say the war is over
And I’m back at home
Here in the land of the free
And you’re looking at the face of victory

Patrolling thru Fallujah
Driving on the rubble
Shattered pavement and shattered glass
They sent us on the search for weapons
We looked in every basement
Never found a single barrel of gas
And when we saw the cities looted
While we watched the oil pipelines
It all began to seem so clear
We were fighting for Exxon
And dying for Chevron
That’s what we were doing here
They told us we’d be welcomed
As troops of liberation
And once again they lied
We got shot at every day
Everywhere we went
A bunch of my buddies died
A rocket launcher hit my tank
Started up a fire
Blew my legs right off of me
And now you’re looking at the face of victory

They sent me back to Michigan
Put some plastic on my stumps
Sent me on my way
And now I roll on down the city streets
Looking at the people
While they turn their eyes away
Down at the Burren
They were talking about the government
And how it’s all a ruse
And I get a little madder
Every time I see the president
Smirking on the evening news
And I think of how they duped me
And so many more good people
And I think of the price we paid
The rich keep getting richer
And the bastards are already scheming
About the next nation they want us to invade
And I just keep on thinking
About this situation
I think of Oklahoma City
Yeah, you’re looking at the face of victory

Created November, 2003
Copyright David Rovics 2003, all rights reserved

Autocensure ou pressions politiques à Télé-Québec ?

DEMERS, Friday, March 26, 2004 - 12:50


Le 22 mars dernier, Télé-Québec reportait la diffusion de son émission 1045, rue des Parlementaires. Le magasine devait traiter, entre autres, de la Coalition Destituons Patapouf.


Anonyme, Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 00:32

CHYZ 94,3

Seven Oaks issue 5 online

Anonyme, Monday, March 22, 2004 - 04:34

Read the latest issue of Seven Oaks magazine, a progressive, non-sectarian, political, and cultural weekly. Contributors and sponsors wanted. See

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This is an alternative media using open publishing. The CMAQ collective, who validates the posts submitted on the Indymedia-Quebec, does not endorse in any way the opinions and statements and does not judge if the information is correct or true. The quality of the information is evaluated by the comments from Internet surfers, like yourself. We nonetheless have an Editorial Policy , which essentially requires that posts be related to questions of emancipation and does not come from a commercial media.